(Q) The Problem With China’s CRISPR Experiment

Designer Babies – The Problem With China’s CRISPR Experiment (Link to Video – https://youtu.be/kFFyeHJDI50)
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks you have viewed. Address the following points in your essay:
1) What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?2) What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?3) Do you think that the issues discussed have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not?4) Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion.5) Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint, rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.

The speaker of the video, “Designer Babies – The Problem With China’s CRISPR Experiment”, is biased in that he does not make any effort to hide his disdain for the use of CRISPR technology when it comes to designing babies. He believes that this kind of technology should never be used on human beings, as there are too many risks associated with it and too much potential for abuse. He argues several ethical issues and reasoning relating to designer babies created using CRISPR technology. Firstly, he states that such manipulation would lead to humans playing God by making decisions about how a baby will look like or what abilities they may have before it has even been born. This could potentially result in a situation where people with more money have access to better capabilities than those who do not. It could also create situations where individuals are discriminated against based on their genetic makeup or physical appearance. Secondly, he worries about the potential health implications of manipulating an individual’s DNA – such as increased risk of diseases or unforeseen consequences from totally altering someone’s genetic structure completely before birth. Lastly, he raises concerns about ensuring informed consent from all involved parties if this kind of technology were ever used on humans – including both parents and future generations affected by any alterations made during conception stages which can carry onto subsequent generations via genetic inheritance. I believe that these issues discussed do indeed have moral and ethical implications because they raise questions around our responsibility towards other living beings (including unborn ones) as well as our responsibilities within society at large in regards to fairness & equity amongst all humans regardless of wealth levels or other socio-economic factors related to genetics-based characteristics/traits conferred upon each person due to their biology/genetics rather than personal choices/achievements etc.. On top of this, some may argue that playing “God” when it comes down to creating life artificially (as opposed naturally), goes against religious norms & values which need consideration depending one’s beliefs & traditions within their culture/society. I agree with the speaker’s point view because I think there is an inherent danger with tampering with something so fundamental as genetics when designing babies through artificial means; particularly considering the lack of knowledge we currently possess concerning long-term effects and possible unintended consequences resulting from our interventions now which can manifest further down the line in unpredictable ways throughout future generations yet unborn into perpetuity potentially if unchecked / unregulated adequately enough (e.g transparent policies regarding safety standards). Furthermore I feel strongly about preserving everyone’s right for autonomy over their own body without having them possibly pre-determined genetically speaking before birth without fully understanding what lies ahead due its programmability once implemented by mankind artificially thus raising important issues around informed consent prior going forward especially since biological processes are far more complex than most realize involving countless interconnected variables working collectively together in order achieve desired outcomes i’m general sense—not least mentioning its tremendous fragility considerations needing taken into account firstly given slightest disruption anywhere along chain may cause major systemic imbalances leading larger scale disruptions somewhere else entirely making difficult control parameters unless constant monitoring taking place over extended period time being ensured same time continuously reviewing results periodically basis accurately identify anomalies accordingly whenever happen providing actionable feedback respond quickly effectively address issue immediately prevent escalation worsening becoming unmanageable quicker then expected originally assumed presumption begin under meanwhile paying attention detail perhaps even double triple checking areas particular focus already identified previous occasions until absolutely certain everything functioning properly satisfactory condition lastly safeguarding us avoid unexpected shocks surprises arising out nowhere worse case scenarios thus reducing risks overall reliably securely responsibly professional manner ultimately helping sustain build trust value reputation reassuring clients customers alike providing peace mind knowing safe hands experts looking after interests always end day no matter happens whatever reason whatsoever crucial maintaining relationships core ensure delivery success sustainability benefits everybody concerned stakeholders entire organization whole benefit gratified financially emotionally spiritually personally across board positively mutually beneficial win–win situation sound investment future growth prospects indefinitely taking proactive approach proactively protecting ourselves invest wisely confidently moving way saving costs generating profits longer term goal obtain ideal outcome envisaged beginning hope reach objectives set out plan>

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