Colorado State University Major Impact of Healthcare Technology Paper

Master of Healthcare Administration HCM 600 Research Project What are the Major Impacts of Healthcare Technology and Trends in Promoting Healthcare Administration and Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? A proposal for research project Prepared by Supervised by: Date: 01/01/2023 Background & Problem Statement Background In the contemporary world, many countries continue to embrace modern technology in various industries. One sector that has extensively adopted information technology worldwide is the healthcare industry (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017). Just like many other countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has initiated various strategies to accelerate the integration of information technology in healthcare. KSA has embraced recent developments and the current framework to bring digital advancement transformation of the healthcare sector via health technologies and trends such as cloud computing and the Internet of things (Dang et al., 2019). The changes have resulted in significant improvements in the health infrastructure to influence how health services are offered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The country continues implementing digital health programs and applying IT and telecommunication products and strategies to administer and manage the healthcare industry via rising concepts such as e-health, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, big data, data analytics, and other healthcare trends. The aim of using modern information technology in the healthcare industry is to assist the KSA in achieving its Vision 2030 framework established in 2017 (Alkhateeb et al., 2019). The framework helps the country to implement artificial intelligence and various data sources to promote and increase innovative digital health solutions. The Saudi government has promoted the use of information technology and trends in healthcare by promoting collaboration among various stakeholders in the healthcare industry, such as the Ministry of Health, the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence (SDAIA), the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), and the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC). (Ahmed, 2021) It is also essential, according to Ahmed (2021), to acknowledge that KSA has already adopted feasible procedures to digitize or transform its healthcare systems via modern technology and trends. Healthcare technologies used in KSA have assisted the healthcare industry to fast-track improvement in quality of care, patient safety and experience, patient satisfaction, and healthcare efficiency. Integrating digital technology and trends in healthcare systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has significantly benefited the Saudi healthcare system. Some benefits include promoting convenience for patients and healthcare providers, achieving more accurate diagnoses, providing more effective treatments, improving care coordination, communication and collaboration, and real-time monitoring of chronic diseases. The KSA’s Vision 2030 framework also aims to reduce healthcare costs. Thus, digital healthcare technology and trends promote effective administration and management of healthcare to deliver economic benefits that will help KSA to save on healthcare costs and allow the country to utilize the resources in other priority health areas. (Ahmed, 2021) In other words, healthcare information technology in the KSA has brought digital transformation that plays a fundamental role in promoting healthcare efficiency and improving health outcomes (Ahmed, 2021). The KSA integrated e-health to digitize healthcare providers and documentation of health medical records via clinical workflow management systems and electronic health records (EHRs). In this regard, this proposal mainly explores the impacts of healthcare technology and trends in the management and administration of healthcare services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The primary focus of this proposal is to perform a systematic review to explore how healthcare technologies and trends such as artificial intelligence, telemedicine, clinical decision support, e-health, virtual care, big data and analytics, barcode medication administration, electronic health records, among others have impacted and benefited the Saudi healthcare system (Shore et al., 2018). Problem Statement The Healthcare industry is one of the most fundamental sectors of any country because it involves saving the lives of citizens by preventing and treating diseases that contribute to a high mortality rate. Countries with poor healthcare systems experience major challenges that affect social, cultural, economic, and political aspects. Countries with poor healthcare systems must embrace various strategies to improve their healthcare systems. One way to improve the healthcare system is to integrate information technology to facilitate healthcare management and administration. The KSA established KSA’s Vision 2030 in 2017. One of the aspects of Vision 2030 is cost saving in healthcare. It is not easy for the Saudi government to reduce the cost of healthcare due to economic hardships and uncertainties that affect the pricing of healthcare services. (Feldman et al., 2018) Nonetheless, the KSA has already established steps to improve healthcare management and administration via digital health. KSA has already integrated various healthcare technologies and trends to improve healthcare in the country. In the long run, healthcare information technology will help Saudi to achieve better health outcomes, improve patient safety and experience, and lower healthcare costs as anticipated by KSA’s Vision 2030 framework. In this regard, the research question of the proposal is “What are the Major Impacts of Healthcare Technology and Trends in Promoting Healthcare Administration and Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?” The research question provides information on what the KSA has achieved in healthcare through healthcare technology and trends. It will also provide information on what the KSA needs to do to promote further digital healthcare transformation. The information on the impacts of information technology in healthcare in the KSA is relevant in undermining the milestone taken by the country to improve healthcare. Other countries, especially developing nations, to improve their healthcare systems, can use the information. The objectives of the research proposal include understanding the benefits of digital health in KSA, understanding health areas impacted by information technology, and understanding how the Saudi government and Saudi citizens benefit from modern health technologies and trends. Review of Literature The research proposal is a systematic review that explores the impacts of information technology and trends in transforming the management and administration of healthcare services in the KSA. Thus, it is essential to summarize various sources to understand how the KSA has achieved digital health and its impacts on the citizens, healthcare providers, government, and other key stakeholders. According to a study by McKinsey & Company (2022), the KSA relies on healthcare information technology to promote healthcare efficiency and improve health outcomes. The study shows that the KSA has benefited from digital health by reducing healthcare costs. It also forecasts that the KSA will save resources in the future if it continues using information technology. For example, healthcare technologies will help the country to unlock more than $27 billion by 2030. Saving healthcare costs is a great milestone for the KSA in achieving its Vision 2030 because it will bring healthcare transformation that will improve patient experience, the quality of care, and healthcare efficiency. McKinsey & Company (2022) elude that healthcare information technology and trends in the KSA have impacted healthcare management and administration by bringing economic benefits. The country also realizes more economic benefits through the continuous integration of digital healthcare technologies. For example, digital health technology has already unlocked $15 billion in the KSA and anticipates unlocking over $27 billion in 2030 (Alkhateeb et al., 2019). These estimates indicate that digital healthcare technology assists the KSA in saving its resources. Once more resources are saved; patients, healthcare providers, payers, provider organizations, and the Saudi government through the Ministry of Health will enjoy the economic benefits. The economic benefits of integrating healthcare technologies and trends in the Saudi healthcare system will impact healthcare administration and management by reinvesting 10 to 15% of the total projected healthcare expenditure to other priority health areas by 2030 to bring a culture of safety and quality in the Saudi healthcare system and enhance patient outcomes. McKinsey & Company (2022) also argue that the source of savings that the KSA draw from digital health technologies and trends include virtual interactions, self-care and self-services, decision intelligence system, workflow automation, and paperless data. First, virtual interactions have assisted the KSA in saving billions of healthcare costs. For example, virtual interactions such as remote monitoring of chronic diseases, electronic triaging, and virtual consultations have benefited the KSA in saving healthcare costs (Ahmed, 2021). The cost of managing chronic diseases in Saudi has reduced significantly. Patients do not have to travel to hospitals because they access healthcare services virtually from their remote areas. Selfcare and self-services allow Saudi citizens to embrace modern technology for disease prevention, primarily through screening and digital diagnostics for home-collected blood panels (Ahmed, 2021). These trends have also helped in cost saving. The KSA has also benefited from decision intelligence systems that use machine learning algorithms to manage healthcare plans and identify patient treatment patterns to reduce and prevent medication errors. McKinsey & Company (2022) indicate that health technology impacts the healthcare system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through workflow automation that improves organizational healthcare, the quality of data utilized in clinical decision-making, and the promotion of the patient experience. Lastly, paperless data has assisted the KSA in promoting healthcare collaboration and communication via electronic health records (EHRs) that promote online patient-record documentation. A peer-reviewed article by Noor (2019) also explores the impact of healthcare technology in the KSA via the utilization of e-health. According to Noor (2019), e-health has impacted the approach used by the KSA to improve the management and administration of healthcare services. The Saudi government, through the Ministry of Health, is integrating e-health technology to maximize healthcare expansion to meet the objectives of Vision 2030 (Alkhateeb et al., 2019). E-health technology in Saudi Arabia involves using information and communication technologies to promote healthcare delivery. Thus, the impacts of e-health in the KSA include easing the delivery of care services, allowing healthcare providers to effectively administer treatment for patients, enhancing medical research, monitoring public health, and promoting decision-making to respond to diseases. E-health is part of healthcare technologies and trends that have been used to rank the KSA position 26 for countries with the best healthcare systems. Noor (2019) also argues that e-health in the KSA has contributed to the tremendous transformation in healthcare administration. For example, e-health has assisted the KSA in moving from paper to paperless services, thus enabling healthcare providers to use digital data, which is more accurate and efficient. E-health in the KSA has ensured that many health organizations have installed computerized systems to benefit from e-health services to enhance access to care, as anticipated by KSA’s Vision 2030 (Alkhateeb et al., 2019). Another study by Chambers and Partners (2022) focuses on healthcare trends and development in the KSA. According to this study, healthcare information technology has impacted how the KSA manages and administers healthcare services by presenting some critical areas impacted by current healthcare trends. First, Saudi Arabia uses technological trends for mental health management applications to allow healthcare organizations to manage chronic and infectious diseases (Young et al., 2019). The current healthcare trend in the KSA also involves online pharmaceutical solutions that make it easy for patients to buy medications, renew, and obtain prescriptions. Technology trends in the current healthcare system in the KSA include health applications such as workout applications and fitness trackers to help patients with chronic illnesses manage and monitor their vital signs. The KSA also benefits from telemedicine services that allow patients to book or cancel appointments virtually and obtain medical results virtually from their remote locations. (Young et al., 2019) Chambers and Partners (2022) elude that the KSA will benefit from future healthcare trends such as virtual reality and augmented reality, where healthcare providers will use mobile devices to reduce face-to-face patient-physician interaction, thus reducing healthcare costs. The KSA also uses robotics in healthcare to deliver health-related information through artificial intelligence. Healthcare robots allow the Saudi healthcare system to offer to monitor healthcare services for disease prevention and minimize the risk of infection. The KSA also benefits from 3D printing technology that allows 3D printing laboratories to design protective equipment such as face masks, medical devices, and equipment. Once the equipment is manufactured, they are stocked and distributed with the KSA to assist millions of patients with various healthcare needs. The last healthcare trend in the KSA is tracing applications that collect real-time patient data. Tracing applications were highly used in the KSA to fight the Covid-19 pandemic by tracing the pattern of infection through mobile devices. Abu-Dalbouh et al. (2019) demonstrate how electronic health records (EHRs) have transformed the healthcare system in the KSA. The Saudi healthcare system also proposed an EHR website to serve the Saudi healthcare community. The website allowed healthcare organizations in the KSA to move from paper to paperless records. Thus, healthcare providers communicate effectively on patient treatment plans because they can accurately assess patient records, medical history, and other healthcare data electronically. Covid-19 overwhelmed many healthcare systems, and the Saudi healthcare system was no exception. A peer-reviewed article by Alghamdi et al. (2021) shows how healthcare technology assisted the KSA in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, Saudi Arabia has been using digital health technologies to screen patients suspected to be infected with Covid19. The KSA also relied on advanced technology such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and mobile health applications to help people maintain social distance and facilitate the tracing of patients (Reddy et al., 2018). Thus, the tele-health network utilized in Saudi Arabia aligns with its Vision 2030. Saudi Arabia has also made proposals to use block-chain technology in healthcare to allow patients to make digital payments through crypto-currency and Bit-coin (Albahli et al., 2020). The use of block-chain technology in the Saudi healthcare system will provide an alternative form of payment for patients (Siyal et al., 2019). Methodology The research mainly relies on a research methodology called a systematic qualitative review. It involved a systematic review analyzing data on healthcare technology’s impact on the KSA from various sources. When selecting the research methodology, a systematic qualitative review is selected based on the research question, purpose, and context (Munn, 2022). Various levels, such as healthcare policies, organizations, government agencies, and individuals, influence the impacts of information technologies and trends in the KSA. Thus, a systematic qualitative review is suitable for this research because several levels influence the research question. A literature review of various sources is the main source of information to answer the research question in a systematic qualitative review. Research Plan and Timeline The research plan for this research mainly involves collecting data from various articles and studies on how healthcare technologies and trends influence healthcare management and administration in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the plan is to use peer-reviewed scholarly articles and studies focusing on healthcare technology. The research timeline for this proposal is to use current sources. All the sources used in the research have been published within the last five years. Ethical consideration When conducting a systematic review, it is paramount to follow ethical considerations. As a systematic reviewer in this research, it is essential to evaluate biases when searching for sources to use in the research. For example, it is ethical to select articles or sources that do not express bias on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a country to ensure the information provided on the impacts of healthcare technologies and trends is credible, reliable, and accurate. Another ethical consideration in a systematic review is avoiding studies or sources with ethical insufficiencies to ensure the information presented in the research proposal is ethical. It reduces conflict of interest (Bruno & Haar, 2020). Nonetheless, providing informed consent for an original study is not an ethical requirement because this research uses a systematic qualitative review as the research methodology (Suri, 2019). References Abu-Dalbouh, H. M., Al-Matrouk, M., Al-Zwaid, N., Al-Handi, A. (2019). Proposal of a standardized electronic health record for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Computer Science, 15(4), 566-581. Ahmed, N. J. (2021). 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