(Mt) – Azusa Pacific University Entrepreneurial Business Plan Paper

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN 1 Entrepreneurial Business Plan – Part F Amanda McCausland BUS505 Dr. Joe R. Putulowski October 13, 2019 BUSINESS PLAN 2 Entrepreneurial Business Plan Assignment Title: Entrepreneurial Business Plan Student: Amanda McCausland Date: October 6, 2019 Instructor’s feedback (specific How the error was addressed by Page numbers listing of the error) the student. where change appears Because this report will become part I corrected these errors and used the of your official school records, be sure right style Pg. 1 to add the class number and name, date, and professors name. Be sure to place the Change Matrix I attached the change matrix after the p. 2 immediately following the Title Page. cover page APA Errors: Delete the blank line Deleted P. 2 APA error – be sure your Headers I placed the headers in the correct p. 6-8 meet the APA formatting format before your header requirements. in-text citation? This sentence does In text removed p. 6 BUSINESS PLAN 3 not need one… Citation should go here Added P. 6 Consider adding the specifics – how Details added p. 6 Where in the US? Details included p. 6 including… Included P. 6 The word Nevertheless seems out of removed p. 6 Added p. 6 Added p. 6 Information added to the mission p.7 much as the industry grown? place. Consider revising. may sell or plans to sell. Additional information is needed. Consider your reader – a potential investor – you will want to grab his or her attention by offering some sort of data showing the potential of your firm. Consider a brief discussion on the number of potential customers, profits, or marketability of your company. Additional work is needed – statement How so? BUSINESS PLAN This reference does not look complete 4 Changed – corrections are needed. . A lot of work is needed to bring this paper up to the level needed for the class. I suggest you review the APA manual to ensure you are meeting each of the required guidelines. Additional outside research is needed relating to the mission and vision statements. Lastly, include information that gets your potential investor onboard/excited about your company Successfully adjusted Pg. 8 BUSINESS PLAN 5 Table of Contents Blue Ocean Strategy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Customer Segmentation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Graphical representation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Graphical explanation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Industry Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Industry description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 North American Industry Classification number ……………………………………………………………………….. 16 Profit Margin …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Location Preferences ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Corporate Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Entrepreneurial Business Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Competitive Advantage …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22 Start Up Cost ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24 Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27 References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28 Entrepreneurial Business Plan Company Identification BUSINESS PLAN 6 The business to be discussed in this case is known as Platinum Cases; this firm will be producing smartphone cases. In the course of the recent past, the smartphone industry has been growing at an increasing rate; the growth rate was approximated to be 0.9% increase per year. In 2018, smartphone accessories depicted revenue of $28,529.3 million (Stern & Xu, 2018). Platinum Cases is a company based in the Texas, US, and it will endeavor to produce different types of smartphone covers, this product will be fit for different kinds of smartphones like Samsung, iPhones, LG, and Sony. The company plan to concentrate on smartphones from Samsung and Apple and later on, it will consider the other companies. The company was founded in 2018, and thus it is still new in the market. One of the unique characteristics of the company is a high-quality product which will ensure that customers are satisfied. This is because these covers are made of pure leather. Furthermore, the brand will be unique from that of the competitors because they offer low-quality products which barely last long. The principal value of the firm is the provision of better products at a reasonable price. The other major characteristic of the company is the fact that it will concentrate on serving customers as fast as they can; this will be archived through progressed customer care services. The other unique feature of the company is that it will have both physical stores and online marketing. With the increase in technological advancements, it has become easy for the company to reach out to its customers through various online marketing channels. For example, the company plan sells its products through e-commerce firms like Amazon and eBay. Finally, the company will partner with the customers in order to augment their experience in with the product. This will be archived through some problems like referral and affiliate programs. As mentioned earlier, the primary product of the company is the smartphone cases, which will mostly deal with Samsung and iPhone smartphones. The market for protective covers in the US BUSINESS PLAN 7 was approximated at US$ 12,934.4 million at the end of 2016, and the tree is expected to increase put to $ 19,210.0 million by 2023. The CAGR rate is roughly 5.8% from 2016-2023. The above statistics show the current performance of smartphone covers market. This market is significantly lucrative, and thus, it will many potential investors. The mobile phone protective cases market was estimated at US$ 12,934.4 million by the end of 2016 and is anticipated to reach US$ 19,210.0 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2016 to 2023. Mission Statement The mission statement of Platinum Cases is: “We will dedicate technology and human resources to produce high-quality products, therefore, taking part in an enhanced global community. This will be achieved by developing a culture of innovation among our teams and departments. Moreover, the culture of teamwork will be promoted in the company in order to boost the productivity of the workforce. Core values will guide various operations in the organization. The company will incorporate the idea of corporate social responsibility to establish a better neighboring community.” The mission statement of this company is concerned about augmenting the quality of the consumer products which will be archived by the use of the available technology and human resources. Furthermore, it is aimed at depicting a better society whereby every person is able to live without any difficulty (Rey & Bastons, 2018). Also, this mission statement will be valuable in the achievement of long-term and short-term goals; it will act as a guard rail in the accomplishment of the set objectives. Vision Statement BUSINESS PLAN 8 The vision statement of Platinum Cases is: “We progressively invent to become the greatest target for our partners and customers. This will be achieved by producing high-quality products. Quality in operations and the products will be a vital principle which will guide different departments in the company. We will endeavor to reach out to many customers in different parts of the world; this will be archived through the use of e-commerce and social media platforms to reach out to local and international customers.” This statement aims to show the endeavor and aim of the company to become the best in the industry. Through innovation, the company will be in a position to become the best in the industry. This is following the nature of the customers as they like innovative products which are of high-quality products. For instance, our product will employ the innovation which will make it 99% protective against different forces applied on smartphones. Also, this will enable them to avoid some of the common problems like wear and tear as well as screen breaking. Blue Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy alludes to a market for services or product where there is less or no competition (Kim & Mauborgne, 2015). This strategy gyrates around looking for a business in an environment whereby very few firms operate and where pricing pressure barely exist. This strategy will help the company to identify new demand in the competitive market, and to render rivalry inapt by producing products with great features. It allows the firm to exploit maximum profits as the product can have a higher price tag following is incredible characteristics. The critical principle of Blue Ocean Strategy is value innovation; this is a business tactic that concentrates on developing new market opportunities rather than competing with the rivals in the present market share. This strategy will allow the company to make high-quality products which will be way better compared to that of the competitors. One of the most significant values in any BUSINESS PLAN 9 company is to offer high-quality products to its customer base at a relatively low price. Furthermore, high-quality products are essential as they allow the company to develop its brand in the market quickly. For instance, concentrating on the values like quality and durability of the product will attract a broader customer base, and this will allow the company acquires a good reputation in the production of mobile phone covers. The strategy is essential as it will allow the company to explore new markets by rearranging the boundaries of the existing one (Kim & Mauborgne, 2015). Creation of a new market for the company will be necessary than competing in the already existing one. This may help in the development of the company’s brand since it will be the main product in that market. The other important thing about the strategy is the aspect of value innovation; this allows the company to be highly creative with the help of innovation, this will enable it to think out of the box and thus attaining a better competitive edge in the market. Finally, the strategy is essential as it allows the company to formulate a better value proposition. Customer Segmentation Customer segmentation is the process of dividing the potential customers into groups. Customer segmentation focuses on building the customer market and providing them with their specific needs. This segmentation ensures the company deals with a specific set of customers. The segmentation is based on the customer’s  Financial status  Behavior  Needs  Buying frequency BUSINESS PLAN  Education status  Culture  Population 10 The major market approaches include prior segmentation, needs-based segmentation and value-based segmentation. In prior classification, the segmentation is based on publicity which includes the industry size in the market. Needs-based segmentation focuses on the customers’ needs in the market. The products that the customers love most are enhanced to meet their demands. Value-based segmentation distinguishes customers with their financial status hence producing products that suit every class. The segmentation for our company will focus on three main characteristics which include: buying frequency, needs and financial status. i. Buying frequency The company monitors the rate at which customers purchase products and focuses more on the specific product. Segmenting using buying frequencies enables the company to determine the number of products to produce. In our case study, the production of smartphone cases is vital and targets high-end customers. The feasibility study was done before revealed that most of the customers in the country use Samsung and IPhone phones. The buying frequency recorded through the last few months indicated that more sales of black covers were recorded hence the need of the company to produce more products of this dimension. For every ten covers that were brought, 6 were black covers. Customers also revealed that they would prefer having two different covers for their phones and would be glad if they were of different colors. Moreover, the customers preferred the covers to be unique and have a flip cover. The value the customers generated was the key factor that made the segmentation. BUSINESS PLAN ii. 11 Needs Developing variables of the customer transaction enables the organization to determine the trends of the customers and establish the best products they want. According to the sales recorded, the most preferred product was the black flip cover. Other back covers performed well too, but with the highest purchases being made on the flip covers, our main focus will be to produce more flip covers. The preferred colour being black gave the organization an insight into the colour preference when producing new products. iii. Financial status The market demands from the survey done indicated that most youths below 35 years preferred the flip covers and made the most purchases. On the other hand, the old adults preferred the back covers and approximately made some good sales. In spite of this, the customers who made big revenue returns purchased the flip covers. As this was the most selling category, the organization will come up with new strategies to improve on this product. Graphical representation 1. Buying Frequency BUSINESS PLAN 12 Buying Frequency 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Skins Shells Wallet 2015 2. Needs Segment 2016 Leather 2017 Rugged BUSINESS PLAN 13 Needs Segment 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Skins Shells Wallet 2015 2016 Leather Rugged Leather Rugged 2017 3. Financial Statement Financial Statement 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Skins Shells Wallet 2015 2016 2017 BUSINESS PLAN 14 Graphical explanation From the needs graph, the trend reveals that in 2015, the most sales that were made came from the purchase of leather and skin types of cases. The skins sales topped the market in 2016 while in 2017 leather-topped. From this trend, we realize that the customers preferred the skin cases most within the three years. The needs reflect the choice of most of the young adults. From the Financial statement, most users preferred leather cases. This can be credited to the fact that most of those who preferred leather cases are financially stable and inactive employment. Through this segment, we diagnose that the other preferred choice was a wallet. In spite of it being the second choice, the survey indicated that most people who preferred this were aged millennials in their early twenties. The buying frequencies for the three years were a little bit skeptical. Most customers still preferred leather cases. All through the three years, the sales of leather cases have undergone some stable increment. Additionally, the wallet brand was the second preferred choice. The durability of the wallet brand increased its viability and made it become the second most preferred choice. Industry Analysis Industry analysis refers to the process where an organization performs market research to determine industry competitiveness. The analysis enables businesses to determine their position in the market in regards to other competitors. Additionally, it enables the company to understand the opportunities it has and the threats that might lead to its low income. Moreover, it enables the company to understand the differences between them and their competitors. Industry analysis involves porters five forces, SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Porters 5 forces include BUSINESS PLAN 15 bargaining power of suppliers & buyers, the threat of potential entrants, power of service providers and the threat of substitute goods. PEST analysis stands for political, economic, social and technological. PEST analyzes the external market. SWOT analysis refers to Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Industry analysis enables the organization to understand the market and its demands. From the industry analysis conducted, we established that the most preferred cases were leather cases. Most adults and the aged preferred these cases because of their long life. Industry description Platinum Cases is a firm producing smartphone cases. In the course of the recent past, the smartphone industry has been growing at an increasing rate. Platinum Cases is a company based in the United States, and it will endeavor to produce different types of smartphone covers, this product will be fit for different kinds of smartphones. Nevertheless, it will target smartphones from Samsung and Apple. The company is still new in the market. One of the unique characteristics of the company is a high-quality product which will ensure that customers are satisfied. This is because these covers are made of pure leather. Furthermore, the brand will be unique from that of the competitors because they offer low-quality products which barely last long. The principal value of the firm is the provision of better products at a reasonable price. The other major characteristic of the company is the fact that it will concentrate on serving customers as fast as they can; this will be archived through progressed customer care services. BUSINESS PLAN 16 North American Industry Classification number The North American Industry Classification number for our industry will be 8999 because it’s a service that has not been classified anywhere. The importance of the NAIC number is to enable an organization to determine its competitors and work to enhance its competitiveness in the industry. Profit Margin The expected profit margin will be approximately 1300. From the survey conducted and the expected growth, the company will be making big strides in sales. 2015 2016 2017 Skins 200 234 345 Shells 150 321 345 Wallet 300 300 333 Leather 450 400 432 Rugged 230 300 276 1330 1555 1731 Total The company will major on making profits and improving on goods that the customers love. This will enable the company to maintain its customers and focus more and fulfilling the customers’ needs. Location Preferences The location preference for our business will be a high-end city or town. Samsung and IPhone smartphones are used mostly in urban areas and would be viable if found in a big city. The city of choice has approximately 45,000 people. BUSINESS PLAN 17 The demographic data of the city include: 70.4% are Americans, 11.8% African-American while Asians occupy 3.8% The region of preference is Texas, Austin. The advantages of doing business in Texas are that the people are passionate about new changes. Most people use iPhones and Samsung phones. The city is a 24-hour town. The market sales survey done established it as a powerhouse in producing the most sales. Corporate Structure Corporate structure of an organization is the system of power and ownership of the entity. It is how the organization is structured. The four structures that are available include sole proprietorship, Limited Liability Company, cooperation and partnership. Sole proprietorship is a type of enterprise that is owned and run by a single individual who is also the overall decision maker in the organization. This type of organization requires total dedication from the owner who has to spend most of their time in the enterprise. The owner is taxed on the income they make and the business they run is not always a legal business. The lack of legal formalities makes it easy to operate and close a single business. The liability lies on to the business owner, hence in the event of a failure or debt, the owner is mandated to stand in and sort out. The owner suffers the risks involved in the business. Moreover, all the profits are managed by the owner. Having control of the business makes the owner free to make any decisions that affect the business. Confidentiality of the business is maintained as no second party gets access to the system process. The life cycle of the business depends on the life expectancy of the owner. In the event of death or accident, the business comes to an end. BUSINESS PLAN 18 Partnership is a business agreement by a group of people who manage the business together and share the profits. Having joint heads is always a great option than having a single head. In this structure, more capital to run the business is available. An external regulation is limited and does not affect the organization. The legal structures that bond the partners can be changed any time if need be. Additionally, income splitting option is available to enable ease of paying taxes. The borrowing capacity is high which enhances the chances of the business to grow. The disadvantages of such arrangement include having a liability in the event of an unpaid debt. Each of the partners is responsible for the debts accrued by the other partner. Disagreements occur frequently within such arrangements. The disagreements lead to legal battle if separating. A limited liability company LLC is an organization whose owners are not responsible for the debts or liabilities of the company. The organization of this dimension entails both characteristics of partnership and sole proprietorship. The investors in such arrangement are not drained cash from their personal accounts in cases where the liabilities of the company fail. LLC passes some taxation laws as the business is also considered as personal owned. The numbers of owners are not limited in such an arrangement (Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. 2015). Owners can invest in the business in regards to their limit because there is no set limit for investing. LLC owners have free managerial capacity and don’t need to meet regularly to plan the functions of the organization. Disadvantages include working extra hard to earn capital to sustain the company. LLCs pay more legal fees to get licenses to operate and they require annual renewal. Government regulations limit the type of businesses to be registered as LLCs. Avoiding to pay federal taxes may result to the business paying more taxes than other structures. BUSINESS PLAN 19 A corporation is an entity recognized by the government to transact its business by hiring, firing, borrow, loan money and enter contracts. Shareholders only risk equity of the business. The liabilities do not affect the shareholders directly. Extra income can be gained by selling shares. Corporations have the audacity to deduct the benefits it has set for its staff. Demerits of corporations include the time used for formation which is too much. Agencies monitor the activities of corporations which results to additional paperwork. Profits gained may be liable to more taxation from the government. Platinum covers act as a partnership organization. With this type of arrangement, the organization will fulfill its mandate in the business market successfully. This model will fully focus on the merits of the covers. Having partnership will be a key feature as combining the technology of Samsung and IPhone requires partners to be assembled together. Entrepreneurial Business Plan Advantages Marketing through social media will be more beneficial to the company. Social media platforms have been one of the easiest ways of reaching and engaging with customers. Social media will surge the chances of the brand being recognized. The use of social media will boost the company’s brand awareness as more audience will be reached (Rubtcova & Pavenkov, 2018). First of all, the firm will create platforms in all social media sites. To increase the audience and the traffic of the platform, the firm will invite and visit other big firms’ platforms and also engage in various online discussions. Sharing daily contents about the company’s products will be another priority to make the brand being recognized easily. Each post will be shared to more platforms to attract huge audience. The second advantage of using social media is the increased inbound traffic. Synchronizing all the social media platforms will enhance the company’s ability to attract more audience. The secret will be BUSINESS PLAN 20 posting new update daily and marketing it enough. Each social site will be having every post the company makes. All the social media platforms of the company will be connected directly to the website. Any post that is made will be boosted to attract more customers. As part of the marketing schemes, rewards to random customers will also be introduced to enhance the engagement between the firm and the customers. Rewarding customers will be a source of attracting new customers and a big way of engaging directly with the clients. Search engine optimization will enable the company to be easily recognized on search engines. Having a huge following will be boosted by being easily found on all search engines. SEO will enable the company be more robust and easily accessed. This will not only increase the website traffic but also attract more clients for the organization. SEO is obtained by posting high quality content that will attract more clients and make them engage more with the customers. Through the SEO most companies find their brands being more engaging as more clients are attracted are attracted making the products more visible to customers. Being above other companies in search engines makes it easier for a firm to improve its products and remain competitive in the markets. Credibility of a good website is being more graphical and on point hence appealing to the clients. Social media usage will increase the company’s conversion rates. More customers will feel free to get involved with the company’s brands and hence the traffic in the website will be boosted making more profits. As a result, one on one engagement with clients will increase their loyalty with the company. Social media marketing is the cheapest and most engaging form of marketing as it attracts huge audience than the usual offline marketing strategies. Credibility will be created through engaging and answering all questions asked by clients online. Usual engagements with clients will increase the customers’ trust with the company’s products. Disadvantages, Risks and Concerns BUSINESS PLAN 21 Marketing through social media not only results into benefits but also challenges. The challenges affect the company directly and indirectly. The major challenges include time, trademark and privacy security issues. Using social media is time intensive and requires the company to employ social media staffs. Having increased traffic through social media will need the company to spend more time online engaging with the clients. This technique is not only time consuming but also another form of reducing the viability of the firm. Companies tend to protect their trademarks and copyrights in all their business activities. With increased social media engagements, third parties can be involved and steal the company’s vital information and use them for their own gains (Nadaraja, & Yazdanifard, 2013). This deteriorates the company’s image and increases copyrights issues. Maintaining client’s documents is a hard task and costly activity. The privacy of all client’s details should be maintained to win the trust of all key players in the industry. Having a solid backup from clients will increase the company’s business. Exposure of all the cover designs being done by the company might lead to copy rights issues as third parties might steal the designs and make up their own new styles. Negative feedback from people is a usual social media aspect. The more the company engages with clients through the social media the more the negative and positive feedbacks are received. With people having different opinions, not all of the people will be happy having the company’s cases. Some clients might be so abusive and might ruin the image of the company online. Other competitors might also post dissing information about the company which might damage the company’s reputation. User generated content by individual persons impersonating the company might ruin the reputation of the company online and reduce the customer traffic in the social platforms of the company. Through social media the company will achieve more and will also increase the chances of being more competitive. Engaging directly with clients will boost the image and reputation of the company. New designs by the company might also be received from customers through an online competition. Through this, the company will meet specific client’s needs. BUSINESS PLAN 22 Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage is the trait that makes a company superior than others in the market. The competitive advantage within a firm is mostly displayed when actions taken are superior and profitable than the other industry players (Cegliński, 2016). Platinum covers has varied attributes that improves its competitiveness in the market. The core competencies for the company include responsibility, teamwork, decision making, leadership, results orientation and trustworthy (Weil, 2014). The key competencies of the company are essential in ensuring the success of each employee. Each employee’s potential is revealed when the core competencies have been followed to the latter. The competencies set by the company enables each employee to apply their skills and knowledge and effectively participate in different activities of the company. Moreover, the competencies are accessible and easy to learn & use. Responsibility among members of staff involves diverse actions by the employees. First each employee should maintain punctuality. The work ethics should be followed to the later. Additionally, the tasks assigned have to be finished within prescribed time and while at work the focus should be on the job and abiding by the work ethics set. The grooming by the employees should be presentable and conducive for the workplace. Each employee is mandated to be clean form body, hair and nails. Since the company is dealing with manufacturing covers, long nails may be a source of injury to employees, hence the need to keep them short. All employees are advised to embrace working together in a team set up. Being involved in group works enhances the efficiency of the company as great ideas and implementations are completed within a short period of time and are free from errors. Platinum covers have put in place leaders who have undergone training that enables them create a rapport with both the staff and customers. Having solid and dependable leadership enhances the trust within the staff hence improving their productivity. Adequate leadership and conducive working conditions builds the trust of employees towards the organization. Platinum covers values each employee and has employee empowerment programs that seek to enhance the trust and productivity of each employee. These competencies have BUSINESS PLAN 23 enhanced the competitive advantage of the company. The key advantages that Platinum covers have focused on include bargaining power of suppliers, buyers and rivalry among other competitors. Bargaining power of suppliers determines the cost of products. Having strategic team that understands the market, platinum covers has benefited from the power to successfully convince the suppliers. Despite most products being outsourced locally, the company still enjoys a massive supplier bargaining power (Kumar, & Pansari, 2016). To achieve this, platinum covers maintained their suppliers. Maintaining suppliers enhances the bargaining power which makes the company acquire products at a relative good price. Building trusts with each supplier by increasing volumes has enabled the company to effectively keep each supplier at bay. Customer concentration has enhanced the company to have a bargaining power over them compared to other key players in the industry. The bargaining power has been influenced by understanding the potential customers. Through in-depth survey and research, the customers’ specific demands were established and products produced based on them. This technique has enhanced the total sales and made Platinum covers enjoy the market dominance. The key factor has been producing products that meet the customers’ financial value. Products that can be purchased by people from all walks of life have positively boosted the average sales. As a result, our brand has gained public attention hence increased sales. One on one engagement with customers to determine their specific needs has boosted and enhanced the chances of attracting more clients. The quality of the products is the backbone of retaining customers. Rivalry in the market from other companies enhances the cost of prices. Despite the market having stiff competition from other companies, Platinum covers have strived to keep the competition healthy by concentrating on producing quality products. Customers prefer products that last and are easy to use. This viability has ensured the company maintains its clients and forms a basis of attracting more BUSINESS PLAN 24 customers. Moreover, the diversity of each competitor has increased the competitions brought about in the industry. Start Up Cost Startup costs are the costs and expenses incurred during the start of a business. Many businesses depend on investors as their major source of income. Other businesses solely depend on the income generated by customers as their main source of incentives. The startup cost is achieved by developing a business plan that will push through the whole project. The projected business plan reveals all the expenses required for the successful transition of the firm from an idea to an action. The business plan will include costs such as advertising & marketing, employees’ wages, supplies & equipments, research, technological expenses and license fees. 1 Advertising and marketing will make the brand be a household item. Proper advertising increases sales by enhancing the publicity of an item. The new platinum smartphone cases will undergo an in-depth marketing to enhance its position in the market. Through SWOT analysis all the underlying barriers will be established to determine the perception of the market on the product. Equipment and supplies involved in the business will be included in the startup budget. the supplier price for the products used in the manufacture of cases will be verified and the best priced supplier given the tender. Moreover, the supplier should be able to give prices that are viable for the company to achieve profits. To be recognized as a business, the company will acquire the business permit and all licenses required for the startup of a firm. The licenses are vital tools that legalize the business in the nation. Technological expenses will be included in the budget and will entail all the software and hardware costs. Additionally, the cost of running websites and producing fliers and brochures will also be part of the budget. The source of funding for the business will be bank loans and investors package. After having a successful year with the banks due to previous saving history, the business will be initiated though bank loans. The bank loan will be borrowed to enhance the system before the business becomes operational. A BUSINESS PLAN 25 loan payable after three years on a monthly basis will be borrowed to enhance the business. A projected startup cost of 500,000 USD will be set aside to see off the project. Since the cases are manufactured in the native country, the raw materials will be collected locally. The cases will be made using recycled materials to enable the company conserve the environment. The company will borrow approximately 200,000 USD from the bank that will act as a subsidiary to the business startup cost. Investors will be responsible for seeing off the project. Despite the high expectations, all investors will contribute a cumulative 300,000 USD to boost the startup cost. Investors fund is the main source of incentive for the startup and will be used as to effectively put the business in place. Partners will also be included in the investors list to enhance the startup project. The donations from investors will be monitored by an oversight authority which will ensure all the funds are used effectively without even a single cent going to waste. Being a corporate entity, the investors will be liable for all the transactions involved. The company is expected to make profit margins of about 300,000 USD. The profit margins arise due to the total startup costs which amount to 144,781 USD. The break-even analysis determines the amount that remains after the startup cost has been deducted from the profits gained. Break-even analysis enables managers determine the level of input they have to increase to enhance the operations of the company in the future days. The break-even analysis revealed that the firm would incur profits if more emphasis is put on products manufactured. The following chart indicates the break-even analysis. BUSINESS PLAN 26 Break-Even Price $3,000 $2,500 Total Cost Total Revenue $2,000 Profit (Loss) $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 5 10 15 20 $(500) $(1,000) $(1,500) Sales Price 2 START-UP COSTS Registrations Business name Licenses Permits Domain names Trade marks/designs/patents Vehicle registration Membership fees Accountant fees Solicitor fees Rental lease cost (Rent advance/deposit) Utility connections & bonds (Electricity, gas, water) Phone connection Internet connection Cost ($) Cost ($) $5,000 $2,000 $3,000 $6,000 $10,000 EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL COSTS Business purchase price Franchise fees Start-up capital Plant & equipment Vehicles Computer equipment $2,000 $3,500 $2,340 $2,090 $5,000 Computer software Phones Fax machine Security system Office equipment $10,000 $3,500 $3,000 $15,000 $6,780 Furniture $3,210 $2,000 $3,500 Shop fit out $4,630 $5,500 $4,579 $500,000 $23,467 $20,000 25 30 BUSINESS PLAN Computer software Training Wages Stock/raw materials Insurance Building & contents Vehicle Public liability Professional indemnity Product liability Workers compensation Business assets Business revenue Printing Stationery & office supplies Marketing & advertising Total start-up costs 27 $2,000 $1,235 $20,000 $3,219 $12,000 $3,500 $5,760 $6,000 $2,100 $8,000 $1,467 $4,390 $3,000 $8,900 $10,000 $144,781 Total equipment/capital costs $592,886 3 Executive Summary The company selected in the business plan is Platinum Covers which deals with smartphone covers. The mission and vision statement of the company is aimed at producing high-quality products at a lower price to satisfy customer needs. Finally, the paper analyzes the value and importance of Blue Ocean Strategy in Platinum Covers. BUSINESS PLAN 28 References Rey, C., & Bastons, M. (2018). Three dimensions of effective mission implementation. Long Range Planning, 51(4), 580-585. Cegliński, P. (2016). The concept of competitive advantages. Logic, sources and durability. Journal of Positive Management, 7(3), 57-70. Stern, A., & Xu, C. (2018). Signature change in matrix model solutions. Physical Review D, 98(8), 086015. Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. (2015). Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Review Press. Nadaraja, R., & Yazdanifard, R. (2013). Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages. Social Media Marketing, 1-10. Rubtcova, M., & Pavenkov, O. (2018, October). Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in Russia. In 14th Global Communication Association International Conference, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Oct. Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2016). Competitive advantage through engagement. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 497-514. Weil, D. (2014). Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can Be Done to Improve It. Cambridge: Harvard University Press Comment Summary Page 24 1. That’s confidence! Page 26 2. Need to specify – does the following graph show monthly or year end totals? Page 27 3. Be sure you show (for example) Q1, Q2, Q3 and Year end totals.

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  • Fill in your paper’s academic level, deadline, and the required number of pages from the drop-down menus.
  • Click “CREATE ACCOUNT & SIGN IN” to enter your registration details and get an account with us for record-keeping and then, click on “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” at the bottom of the page.
  • From there, the payment sections will show, follow the guided payment process and your order will be available for our writing team to work on it.

About AcademicWritersBay.com

AcademicWritersBay.com is an easy-to-use and reliable service that is ready to assist you with your papers 24/7/ 365days a year. 99% of our customers are happy with their papers. Our team is efficient and will always tackle your essay needs comprehensively assuring you of excellent results. Feel free to ask them anything concerning your essay demands or Order.

AcademicWritersBay.com is a private company that offers academic support and assistance to students at all levels. Our mission is to provide proficient and high quality academic services to our highly esteemed clients. AcademicWritersBay.com is equipped with competent and proficient writers to tackle all types of your academic needs, and provide you with excellent results. Most of our writers are holders of master’s degrees or PhDs, which is an surety of excellent results to our clients. We provide assistance to students all over the world.
We provide high quality term papers, research papers, essays, proposals, theses and many others. At AcademicWritersBay.com, you can be sure of excellent grades in your assignments and final exams.