What is your preferred learning style and why do you prefer it?

 Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference       

  • Questions6-25.docx



Part 1:

Learning styles play a large role in our participant's ability to connect to exercise training and conditioning programs. The rise of individual participation in virtual group activities, the continued success of group exercise training programs such as Cross-Fit, and the high level of youth sport participation and training, lead us to acknowledge the community aspect of exercise training and conditioning programs.

1. What is your preferred learning style and why do you prefer it? (Use the Primary and Required Readings week 8 and the following Free Quiz: https://www.learningstylequiz.com/ to assist you with your decision).

2. How do preferred leaning styles, individual participant goals, The Transtheoretical Model (Stage of Change), and Influences of Human Behavior contribute to the sense of community within group fitness programs?


Part 2:

Provide an example of the best group training and conditioning program you have been involved in. Why was it the best?

Provide an example of the worst group training and conditioning program you have been involved in. Why was it the worst?


What did you learn from both of these programs that you can apply to your own current training and conditioning exercise program?

What did you learn from both of these programs that you can apply to current or future group training and conditioning programs that you will be or are currently involved?


Some expressions of gender include roles and tasks related to food. What are common expressions of gender as they relate to food in your experience? How is status expressed and perceived in relation to these tasks (e.g. cutting the turkey versus cooking it at Thanksgiving)? Are these norms universal or are they changing? 


One of this week's topics is sponsorship activation. For this week's discussion, please provide answers to the following questions:

· Please do some research and define the concept of sponsorship activation. 

· Please provide three (3) sports related examples of how activation was used to successfully market a product or service in sport. If possible, please share any photos you locate that illustrate a sponsorship activation activity.

· Finally, based on your research for this week, please provide the best example of sport sponsorship activation (in addition to the three provided above) you located. Please share you believe it was so successful.


please reflect on the previous weeks’ topics. Choose a topic (capital structure) you found to be difficult or hard to understand. Research this topic and present your findings. Include a summary of the topic, why you found the topic to be difficult, and what you learned after conducting the research.


What were the limits of freedom on African Americans in the North? What were the characteristics of northern black communities? What institutions did African Americans rely on most?


Perhaps you have seen the animated movie Wall-E about a robot left behind to clean up the trash on a now uninhabitable earth (ok that one may be a little far-fetched)? Or a well known documentary titled Trashed, narrated by Jeremy Irons, 2012 which gives a holistic view of why garbage is harmful.  While we put it in the trashcan and just watch it go away, our landfills are full of toxins that affect us and our environment. It's no longer an “out of sight, out of mind” issue. After reading through your content this week answer the following questions:

· Where do you believe you generate the most personal waste?

· How can you make changes that you can stick to, fits into your routine and life, to ultimately make a difference. 

· Finally and the highlight of true discussion this week – Is it possible to live in a zero-waste society?


Neuroleadership is an emerging trend in the field of management. As we look at the importance of global leadership in our ever-changing business environment, we find a connection between our way of thinking and our leadership and decision-making style. Below are several articles related to this topic.

Please choose 2-3 articles from below to read on the subject and then evaluate and discuss the rise of neuroleadership in the human resource and organizational development disciplines. 


David Rock. (2013).  T + D, 67(10), 84-85 . 

Dr. David Rock presented on the brain science behind performance at PeopleFluent global user conference WISDOM 2015. (2015, Mar 10).  Business Wire.

Dr. David Rock presents 'the brain science behind performance' at PeopleFluent WISDOM 2015. (2015). Professional Services Close – Up.

    Fox, A. (2011). Leading with the brain.  HRMagazine, 56(6), 52-53 .


How would you define artificial intelligence? One often mentioned risk is that AI will take over people's jobs; what do you think about this argument?


· Why is it so difficult to determine which country has the best health system? Describe the empirical issues related to evaluation of the systems as well as possible ways to overcome these difficulties. If you had to choose one, which country do you think has the best health system? Use course concepts to support your answer.

· Is death an enemy that is to be fought off at all costs or is it a condition of life that is to be accepted? How does the way we answer this question affect the kind of healthcare system we might embrace?


· Choose an example from the listening list below.

· Listen carefully to your selection.

· Using at least 10 words from the Classical Music word cloud *, describe specific elements that relate to your musical selection.  Note that the following words do not count towards the 10-word requirement: music, musical, composer/s and Classical . Write in complete sentences. The ten terms need to be used in a way that relates to music and/or culture in the Classical era.

· Bold or highlight the ten words in your answer chosen from the Classical Music word cloud.

· Post your completed answer to the WK4 Discussion.


Listening List

Mozart, “Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, third movement”

Mozart, “Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467”

Mozart, “Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550, fourth movement”

Mozart, “Der Hölle Rach” from act 2 of  The Magic Flute

Mozart, “The Marriage of Figaro, Overture”

Haydn, “String Quartet No. 62 in C major”

Haydn, “String Quartet No. 53 in D major, Op. 64, No. 5” (“The Lark”)

Haydn, “Symphony No. 94 in G major” (“The Surprise Symphony”)

Haydn, “Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major”

Beethoven, “Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58, second & third movement”

Beethoven, “Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op.67, Allegro con Brio”

Beethoven, “String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major”


Do some research on whistle blowing in general and Wikileaks specifically. Do you feel that Julian Assange was performing a service that was beneficial to our country? Be sure to use parts of your moral compass to justify your position.

Additionally address the notion of whistle-blowing in general and whether you feel it is ever morally justified and under what circumstances. Be sure to give examples and be sure to use your moral compass to explain your position.


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