(Mt) – Leadership Style

Situational Approach Chapter 5 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 2 Overview  Situational approach perspective  Leadership styles  Developmental levels  How does the situational approach work? Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 3 Situational Approach Description (Hersey & Blanchard, 1969) “Leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of subordinates” Perspective  Focuses on leadership in situations  Emphasizes adapting style–different situations demand different kinds of leadership  Used extensively in organizational leadership training and development Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 4 Situational Approach Description, cont’d (Hersey & Blanchard, 1969) Definition  Composed of both a directive dimension and supportive dimension:  Each dimension must be applied appropriately in a given situation  Leaders evaluate employees to assess their competence and commitment to perform a given task Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 5 Leadership Styles Definition  Leadership style–the behavior pattern of an individual who attempts to influence others It includes both: Directive (task) behaviors  Supportive (relationship) behaviors  Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 6 Leadership Styles Dimension Definition  Directive behaviors–Help group members in goal achievement via one-way communication through:  Giving directions  Establishing goals and how to achieve them  Methods of evaluation and time lines  Defining roles Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 7 Leadership Styles Dimension Definitions  Supportive behaviors–Assist group members via two-way communication in feeling comfortable with themselves, coworkers, and situation  Asking for input  Problem solving  Praising, listening Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 8 S1–Directing Style  Leader focuses communication on goal achievement  Spends LESS time using supportive behaviors Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 9 S2–Coaching Style  Leader focuses communication on BOTH goal achievement and supporting subordinates’ socioemotional needs  Requires leader involvement through encouragement and soliciting subordinate input Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 10 S3–Supporting Style  Leader does NOT focus solely on goals; uses supportive behaviors to bring out employee skills in accomplishing tasks  Leader delegates day-to-day decision-making control but is available to facilitate problem solving Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 11 S4–Delegating Style  Leader offers LESS task input and social support; facilitates subordinates’ confidence and motivation in relation to the task  Leader lessens involvement in planning, control of details, and goal clarification  Gives subordinates control and refrains from intervention and unneeded social support Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 12 Development Levels The degree to which followers have the competence and commitment necessary to accomplish a given task or activity Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 13 How Does the Situational Approach Work?  Focus of situational approach  Strengths  Criticisms  Application Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 14 Situational Approach Focus  Assumes that subordinates vacillate along the developmental continuum of competence and commitment  Leader effectiveness depends on:  assessing subordinate’s developmental position, and  adapting his/her leadership style to match subordinate developmental level Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. “The situational approach requires leaders to demonstrate a strong degree of flexibility.” 15 How Does the Situational Approach Work? Using SLII model–In any given situation the leader has two tasks: 1st Task Diagnose the Situation Identify the developmental level of employee Ask questions like: • What is the task subordinates are being asked to perform? • How complicated is it? • What is their skill set? • Do they have the desire to complete the job? Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 2nd Task Adapt Style To prescribed Leadership style in the SLII model • Leadership style must correspond to the employee’s development level 16 How Does the Situational Approach Work? Employee’s Developmental Level • Competence • Commitment Leader’s Leadership Style • Directive • Supportive Growing cross cultural and technical influences in society • Most frequently used style is high supportive, low directive • Least frequently used style is high directive, low supportive Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 17 Strengths  Marketplace approval. Situational leadership is perceived as providing a credible model for training employees to become effective leaders.  Practicality. Situational leadership is a straightforward approach that is easily understood and applied in a variety of settings.  Prescriptive value. Situational leadership clearly outlines what you should and should not do in various settings. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 18 Strengths  Leader flexibility. Situational leadership stresses that effective leaders are those who can change their styles based on task requirements and subordinate needs.  Differential treatment. Situational leadership is based on the premise that leaders need to treat each subordinate according to his/her unique needs. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 19 Criticisms  Lack of an empirical foundation raises theoretical considerations regarding the validity of the approach.  Further research is required to determine how commitment and competence are conceptualized for each developmental level. Model has more predictive power when leader and follower perceptions of competence and commitment match.  Conceptualization of commitment itself and why it varies is very unclear. Replication studies fail to support basic prescriptions of situational leadership model. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 20 Criticisms  Does not account for how particular demographics influence the leader-subordinate prescriptions of the model. For example, experienced employees prefer less directive leadership.  Fails to adequately address the issue of one-to-one versus group leadership in an organizational setting.  Questionnaires are biased in favor of situational leadership. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 21 Application  Often used in consulting because it’s easy to conceptualize and apply.  Straightforward nature makes it practical for managers to apply.  Breadth of situational approach facilitates its applicability in virtually all types of organizations and levels of management in organizations. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 22 Path–Goal Theory Chapter 6 Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Overview  Path–Goal Theory Perspective  Conditions of Leadership Motivation  Leader Behaviors and Follower Characteristics  Task Characteristics  How Does PGT Work? Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Path–Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Definition  Path–goal theory centers on how leaders motivate followers to accomplish designated goals  Emphasizes the relationship between -the leader’s style -the characteristics of the followers -the work setting Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Path–Goal Theory (House, 1971) Description Perspective  Goal–To enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation  Motivational Principles (based on Expectancy Theory): Followers will be motivated if they believe -they are capable of performing their work -that their efforts will result in a certain outcome -that the payoffs for doing their work are worthwhile Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Challenge to Leader  Use a leadership style that best meets followers’ motivational needs  Choose behaviors that complement or supplement what is missing in the work setting  Enhance goal attainment by providing information or rewards  Provide followers with the elements they need to reach their goals Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Conditions of Leadership Motivation Leadership generates motivation when  It increases the number and kinds of payoffs followers receive from their work  Makes the path to the goal clear and easy to travel through with coaching and direction  Removes obstacles and roadblocks to attaining the goal  Makes the work itself more personally satisfying Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Leader Behaviors Directive Leadership Leader who gives followers task instruction including:  What is expected of them  How task is to be done  Timeline for task completion  Clear standards of performance  Clear rules and regulations Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Leader Behaviors Supportive Leadership Leader who is friendly and approachable:  Attending to well-being and human needs of followers  Using supportive behavior to make work environment pleasant  Treating followers as equals and giving them respect for their status Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Leader Behaviors Participative Leadership Leader who invites followers to share in the decision making:  Consults with followers  Seeks their ideas and opinions  Integrates their input into group/organizational decisions Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Leader Behaviors Achievement-Oriented Leadership Leader who challenges followers to perform work at the highest level possible:  Establishes a high standard of excellence for subordinates  Seeks continuous improvement  Demonstrates a high degree of confidence in followers’ ability to establish and achieve challenging goals Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Follower Characteristics Strong need for affiliation  Friendly and concerned leadership is a source of satisfaction  Prefers supportive leadership Preference for psychological structure  For example, dogmatic and authoritarian follower  Leadership provides psychological structure, task clarity, and greater sense of certainty in work setting  Prefers directive leadership Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Follower Characteristics Desire for Control Internal locus of control  Leadership that allows followers to feel in charge of their work and makes them an integral part of the decision-making process  Prefers participative leadership External locus of control  Leadership that parallels followers’ feelings that outside forces control their circumstances  Prefers directive leadership Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Follower Characteristics Perception of their own ability–specific task  As perception of ability and competence goes up, need for highly directive leadership goes down.  Directive leadership may become redundant, possibly excessively controlling. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Task Characteristics Components  Design of followers’ task  Organization’s formal authority system  Primary work group of followers Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Task Characteristics Task Situations Requiring Leader Involvement  Unclear and ambiguous–Leader needs to provide structure  Highly repetitive–Leader needs to provide support to maintain follower motivation  Weak formal authority–If formal authority system is weak, the leader needs to assist followers by making rules and work requirements clear  Nonsupportive/weak group norms–Leader needs to help build cohesiveness and role responsibility Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Task Characteristics Obstacles  Anything in the work setting that gets in the way of followers  They create excessive uncertainties, frustrations, or threats for followers  Leader’s responsibility is to help followers by  Removing the obstacles  Helping followers around them  Assisting with obstacles will increase  Followers’ expectations to complete the task  Their sense of job satisfaction Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. How Does the Path–Goal Theory Work?  Focus of Path–Goal Theory  Strengths  Criticisms  Application Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. How Does the Path–Goal Theory Work?  The leader’s job is to help followers reach their goals by directing, guiding, and coaching them along the way  Leaders must evaluate task and follower characteristics and adapt leadership style to these  The theory suggests which style is most appropriate for specific characteristics Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Path–Goal Theory Approach Focus Overall Scope  Path–goal theory is a  Path–goal theory provides complex but also pragmatic approach a set of assumptions about how different leadership styles will interact with follower characteristics and the work situation to affect employee motivation  Leaders should choose a leadership style that best fits the needs of followers and their work Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Strengths  Useful theoretical framework. Path–goal theory is a useful theoretical framework for understanding how various leadership behaviors affect the satisfaction of followers and their work performance.  Integrates motivation. Path–goal theory attempts to integrate the motivation principles of expectancy theory into a theory of leadership.  Practical model. Path–goal theory provides a practical model that underscores and highlights the important ways leaders help followers. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Criticisms  Interpreting the meaning of the theory can be confusing because it is so complex and incorporates so many different aspects of leadership; consequently, it is difficult to implement.  Empirical research studies have demonstrated only partial support for path–goal theory.  Theory doesn’t account for gender differences in how leadership is enacted and perceived.  Theory assumes leaders possess the advanced communication skills necessary to interact with followers in all given situations. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Criticisms  The theory fails to adequately explain the relationship between leadership behavior and worker motivation.  The path–goal theory approach treats leadership as a one-way event in which the leader affects the follower. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Application  PGT offers valuable insights that can be applied in ongoing settings to improve one’s leadership.  Informs leaders about when to be directive, supportive, participative, or achievement oriented.  The principles of PGT can be employed by leaders at all organizational levels and for all types of tasks. Northouse – Leadership: Theory and Practice, Eighth Edition © 2019 SAGE Publishing, Inc. Leader–Member Exchange Theory Chapter 7 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 2 Overview  LMX Theory Description  LMX Theory Perspective  Early Studies  Later Studies  Leadership Making  How Does the LMX Approach Work? Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 3 Definition Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory:  conceptualizes leadership as a process • that is centered on the interactions between a leader and followers Some theories focus on leaders:  trait approach, skills approach, and behavior approach Other theories focus on the follower and the context:  situational leadership, path–goal theory. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 4 Dimensions of Leadership LMX theory makes the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers the focal point of the leadership process Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 5 LMX Theory Description Perspective  Development–LMX theory first described by Dansereau, Graen, and Haga (1975); Graen and Cashman (1975); and Graen (1976)  Revisions–Theory has undergone a number of revisions since its inception and continues to be of interest to researchers  Assumption–LMX theory challenges the assumption that leaders treat followers in a collective way, as a group.  LMX–Directed attention to the differences that might exist between the leader and each of his/her followers Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 6 Early Studies  First studies of LMX called–Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL)  Focus on the vertical linkages leaders formed with each of their followers  Leader’s relationship to a work unit viewed as a series of vertical dyads Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 7 Early Studies Leader’s work unit as a whole was viewed as a series of vertical dyads; leader forms unique relationship with each follower Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 8 Early Studies  Researchers found two general types of linkages (or relationships)–those based on  Expanded/negotiated role responsibilities (extra-roles) = in-group • Relationships marked by mutual trust, respect, liking, and reciprocal influence • Receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern than out-group members  Formal employment contract (defined-roles) = out-group • Relationships marked by formal communication based on job descriptions Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 9 Early Studies  In-group/out-group status based on how well follower works with the leader and how well the leader works with the follower  How followers involve themselves in expanding their role responsibilities with the leader determines whether they become in-group or out-group participants  Becoming part of the in-group involves follower negotiations in performing activities beyond the formal job description Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 10 In-Group and Out-Group Followers F F F In-Group Out-Group Leader F F F F F F F F F F F In-Group – more information, influence, confidence, and concern from leader – more dependable, highly involved, and communicative than out-group Out-Group – less compatible with leader – usually just come to work, do the job, and go home F Follower Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 11 Later Studies (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995)  Initial research primarily addressed differences between in-groups and out-groups; later research addressed how LMX theory was related to organizational effectiveness  Later research focus on the quality of leader–member exchanges resulting in positive outcomes for  Leaders  Followers  Groups  Organizations in general Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 12 Later Studies (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995)  Researchers found that high-quality leader– member exchanges resulted in          Less employee turnover More positive performance evaluations Higher frequency of promotions Greater organizational commitment More desirable work assignments Better job attitudes More attention and support from the leader Greater participation Faster career progress Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 13 Later Studies Gerstner and Day (1997)  LMX consistently related to member job performance, overall satisfaction, supervisor satisfaction, commitment, role conflict and clarity, turnover intentions.  Support for psychometric properties of LMX Questionnaire Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. Ilies, Nahrang, and Morgeson (2007)  Meta-analysis of 51 research studies  Positive relationship between LMX quality and citizenship behaviors (discretionary employee behaviors that go beyond the prescribed role, job description, or reward system. 14 Later Studies Hill, Kang, and Seo (2014)  Work relationships co-constructed through communication  Greater amount of electronic communication between leaders and followers leads to higher LMX Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 15 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) A prescriptive approach to leadership that emphasizes that a leader should develop highquality exchanges with all of her or his followers, rather than just a few.  Three phases of leadership making which develop over time: (a) stranger phase (b) acquaintance phase (c) mature partnership phase Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 16 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 17 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) Phase 1 Stranger ▪ Interactions within the leader–follower dyad are generally rule bound ▪ Rely on contractual relationships ▪ Relate to each other within prescribed organizational roles ▪ Experience lower quality exchanges ▪ Motives of follower directed toward self-interest rather than good of the group Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 18 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) Phase 1 continued  How do leaders and followers determine relationship quality?  By leaders using narrative storylines to determine how trustworthy followers are (Kelley, 2014)  By looking at the social interaction between leaders and followers (Sheer, 2014)  By using traditional relationship-building techniques such as conflict management and shared tasks (Madlock & Booth-Butterfield, 2012) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 19 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) Phase 2 Acquaintance Begins with an “offer” by leader/follower for improved career-oriented social exchanges Testing period for both, assessing whether ▪ ▪ the follower is interested in taking on new roles leader is willing to provide new challenges Shift in dyad from formalized interactions to new ways of relating Quality of exchanges improves along with greater trust and respect Less focus on self-interest, more on goals of the group Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 20 Leadership Making (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995) Phase 3 Mature Partnership Marked by high-quality leader–member exchanges Experience high degree of mutual trust, respect, and obligation toward each other Tested relationship and found it dependable High degree of reciprocity between leaders and subordinates May depend on each other for favors and special assistance Highly developed patterns of relating that produce positive Outcomes for both themselves and the organization Partnerships are transformational–moving beyond self-interest to accomplish greater good of the team and organization Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 21 How Does the LMX Theory Approach Work?  Focus of LMX theory  Strengths  Criticisms  Application Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 22 How Does LMX Theory Work? LMX theory works in two ways: It describes leadership and it prescribes leadership  In both, the central concept is the dyadic relationship Descriptively:  It suggests that it is important to recognize the existence of in-groups and out-groups within an organization  Significant differences in how goals are accomplished using in-groups versus out-groups  Relevant differences in in-group versus out-group behaviors Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 23 How Does LMX Theory Work? Prescriptively: Best understood within the Leadership–Making Model (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995)  Leader forms special relationships with all followers  Leader should offer each follower an opportunity for new roles/responsibilities  Leader should nurture high-quality exchanges with all followers  Rather than concentrating on differences, leader focuses on ways to build trust and respect with all followers, resulting in entire work group becoming an in-group Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 24 Strengths  LMX theory validates our experience of how people within organizations relate to one another and the leader.  LMX theory is the only leadership approach that makes the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process.  LMX theory directs our attention to the importance of communication in leadership.  Solid research foundation on how the practice of LMX theory is related to positive organizational outcomes. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 25 Criticisms  Inadvertently supports the development of privileged groups in the workplace; appears unfair and discriminatory.  The basic theoretical ideas of LMX are not fully developed.  How are high-quality leader–member exchanges created?  What are the means to achieve building trust, respect, and obligation? What are the guidelines?  Because of various scales and levels of analysis, measurement of leader–member exchanges is being questioned. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 26 Application  Applicable to all levels of management and different types of organizations  Directs managers to assess their leadership from a relationship perspective  Sensitizes managers to how in-groups and out-groups develop within their work units  Can be used to explain how CEOs strategically develop special relationships with select individuals in upper management  Can be used to explain how individuals create leadership networks at various levels throughout an organization  Can be applied in different types of organizations–volunteer, business, education, and government settings Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 27

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