(Mt) – 4 full slides to present on evacuation issues with the fire.

THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. 299 Nicholas S, Hill The London , Texas , School Disaster. By H. Cram Smith Te… :tion submitted :Jalley Stoves ded subsequent ncorporation in ons, After dis- )tor Craft , with mall and Moses jure which was members Small rther considera- lard on the matfollows: Inspection Bure.u. (Member N. A gas explosion that caused the death at’ 294 school children and teachers resulting in one of the major disasters of the present century, occurred in the East Texas oil field district about 3:15 P. M. on March IS , 1937. The site of the explosion was the unincorporated community of London , about four miles east of the little town of Overton in the northwest corner of Rusk County, ten miles from Henderson , Texas. The community consists principally of the school property of the London Independent School District , Inc” comprising ‘r’ the large high school building, several smaller buildings and seven active oil wells owned by the school district. Beyond the school property on all sides were oil well derricks , gas flares , and a distant refinery, all typical of the oil field industry. Because of the wells on its property it had the unique distinc- tion of being about the wealthiest rural school district in the world catering largely to families of the oil field workers over a territory as much as, 15 miles to the report distant in several directions, ‘e to the scope Does the scope Committee for ;ons and prop- reby? It is the ‘firmalive with sian as the view anaging Director Jroposed revision ,nd to advise the n Group will not my to the Presi,ceived from Fire l’1arshals Section ‘uidance of states ;mber Miner , the h a law to be pre- The London, Texas, Consolidated High School was a building construction. This picture is taken from the southwest. of modern The blast occurred with the suddenness characteristic of such explosions although with some unusual features. Every witness agreed that there was but one explosion and that it was a low rumbling noise , with none of the blast or roar that might be expected. Yet there is evidence of a most terrific force in the great extent of devastation and loss of life that came almost instantly; testimony of bodies tossed 75 feet into the air; an automobile 200 feet distant crushed like an eggshell under a two- ton slab of concrete that had been hurled from the building. And as a further evidence of the terrific force , the established point of origin indicates that the explosion had to break through an inch concrete floor slab before starting on its path of destruction. ‘dinances, Many of :’I, TIle Quarterly National Fire Protection Association April 1937 Vol. 30 No. 300 THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. the children in rooms directly above this point were literally blown apart or mangled beyond recognition, There was very little of the structure left standing after the blast and most of that had to be pulled down to prevent falling after the debris was removed , which was practically overnight. From the earliest photographs taken the blast seems to have completely demolished the entire front section , 58 by 254 feet , both the north and south wings back to the east 25- foot additions and the center auditorium wing back to the last 40 feet of the east end , which had to be razed when the supporting wreckage was removed. All that remains of a $300 000 modern school plant is a badly wrecked two-story addition forming the rear of the north wing which will have to come down and a few broken walls where a similar addition completed the south wing. The facts and conclusions presented in this report were reached after a careful survey of the grounds and from evidence brought out at the military court of inquiry where the writer was accorded full courtesy. We were under a heavy disadvantage , CLASS however , in two main essentials; a majority of the im- portant witnesses were the bereaved parents , relatives or friends of the dead still under the influence of shock and hysteria; some even feared that blame or censure was intended. The immediate removal of all wreckage to recover bodies destroyed what would have offered valuable evidence. The removal of this debris is worthy of comment since it is probable that in no past disaster of record has it been approached in speed or efficiency, and nowhere but in the oil fields would it have been possible to find the necessary equipment labor and experience immediately available. In the short space of 17 hours DRAFTIN after the work was organized , some 2000 tons of debris were picked up piece- ROOM meal and hauled away during an all night rain storm; concrete slabs were broken up, tangled steel cut with torches and the smaller fragments that had to be shoveled were carried off in small baskets and carefully emptied under flood lights to avoid overlooking a hand or foot or any torn portion of a body. Construction and Occupancy. The school property is a consolidation of the London and New London districts , covering a number of acres over portions of two farms , and comprises a group of widely detached buildings of both brick and frame construction for grammar school , gymnasium , band room , domestic science , etc. , in addition to the large high school and auditorium building which was the only one involved in the explosion. The high school was erected in 1932 with additions in 1934; it was built on ground sloping in two directions , with a down grade from north to south and from west to east. The main section was 58 ft. wide and 254 ft. long, fronting west , with classrooms on each side of a 10- foot central corridor. At the north and south ends , wings extended east to a depth of 136 ft. , terminat- THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. ally blown apart or after the blast and ,r the debris was re- photographs taken front section , 58 by st 25- foot additions , the east end , which ed, All that remains -story addition form- wn and a few broken were reached after a t out at the military lesy. We were under 1 majority of the im. friends of the dead 254’ en feared that blame wreckage to recover ,I FIRST FLOOR PLAN ~nce. The removal of at in no past disaster , and nowhere but in necessary equipment Jrt space of 17 hours were picked up piece- STORAGE ; concrete slabs were er fragments that had refully emptied under om portion of a body. Commun;catinq dooe opening between Basement and Space undee F,cst Ftooe Ldon and New London a farms , and comprises frame construction for ience , etc” in addition h was the only one in- UNEXCAVATED UNOER FLOOR ‘ SPACE TO6′ HIGH Z54’ BASEMENT PLAN de from north to south wide and 254 ft. long, lOt central corridor. At ft. terminal)th of 136 a “25 SCALE LN fEET ,s in 1934; it was built Plan of the London High School Building. 302 THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER, ing in two-star torium section formed a letter The main wall all sides ar space from 3 tl The central aud tinuing as one north and soutt the drop in gra, first floor of fro actually on gra( building was of with 8- in. hollo, beam columns, reinforced caner ii:;1 concrete piers; in. concrete sla wood overlay on :i JJ a one- inch wood JJ~ trusses spaced 11 13 ~ plaster hung fror ~ eo g 8 ~JJ the ridge. The n as the high schoo eluding the entin ~ 0 0 ~ There were ing 12 laborator~ from under the fl were located in :?1~ ~JJ ;a .. A manual trainin contained several sander ‘ with a hea up against the 12- communicated wi’ ~ a i.~ J~ ~ the foundation w, shop and the sane in the disaster as , The original: doned before cons’ individual gas stov THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. ing in two-story ” T” additions. 303 Directly in the center the two-story audi- whole plan formed a letter ” E” and covered nearly 30 000 sq. ft. of ground area. The main or front section was one story high on a concrete foundation wall all sides and on intermediate concrete piers , forming a concealed dead air torium section formed another wing extending east 115 ft. The space from 3 to 6 ft. high , varying with the uneven surface of the ground. The central auditorium had a two-story front as far back as the balcony, con- tinuing as one high story of equal height to the rear stage wall, Both the north and south wings were carried back to a height of two stories , owing to the drop in grade; the second floor in each case being a continuation of the first floor of front section , while the lower floor , known as the basement, was on of the rear wings, The grade level and was the first floor in each building was of reasonably good construction, with walls of 4- in. brick backed with 8- in, hollow tile , mainly non- bearing; the loads were carried on steel I- actually beam columns and girders. The floor over the concealed space was an 8- in. reinforced concrete slab supported on concrete girders , foundation walls and concrete piers; the small area of second floor in each of the two wings was :Jj Jj ;: ‘” eo ~ 0 0 y :e o,sv Po k .,V ~ 0 0 ~ in. concrete slab on steel and reinforced concrete girders. All floors had hard wood overlay on wood sleepers. The roof over the entire building was tile on a one- inch wood deck and 2 by 6 in. wood purlins on light fabricated steel trusses spaced 10 ft. on centers. All upper floor ceilings were metal lath and plaster hung from the steel trusses , forming open attics of 10 to 12 ft. bigh to the ridge. The rear first floor ceilings were concrete. The building was known as the high school and auditorium , but all portions south of the auditorium , in- cluding the entire south wing, were used by the higher grammar grades. There were two rooms devoted to laboratory and science work , one having 12 laboratory tables , each of which had two Yo-in. gas pipes carried up rooms were located in the front of the main section near the north end of the building. from under the floor with two bunsen burners on each line. These two 1;’-S ~.11 .d Jj :a :, S ~ A manual training shop was located in the lower floor of the north wing; it contained several machines driven by individual motors and one portable sander with a heavy cord and plug switch for a wall socket. This shop backed up against the 12- in. concrete foundation wall of the front or main section and communicated with the concealed floor space through a 4 by 4 ft. opening in the foundation wall , having a wooden door normally kept partly open. The shop and the sander , according to the evidence , played a very important part in the disaster as described later. Heating and Ventilating. ,V~ The original plan called for a central steam heating plant , but was abandoned before construction started because of the higher cost as compared with individual gas stoves. A common type of gas-steam radiator was adopted after THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. 304 The rear of the a wings, the The rear of the school , showing the east end of the ,three the building wasauditwo torium in the center, Owing to the slope of the ground before removal of w’ showing the damage stories at this end. presumed to be the School Board members had consulted several people school boards. The familiar with the subject , including members of other device has the appearance of an ordinary , but is an individual steam radiator , under a small water chamber heating unit comprising a gas burner at the base cast into the unit. Steam circulates through the hollow sections of the radiator and heats by radiation like the standard steam type. The burner is partly enclosed , but communicates with the outer air through a circular hole about an inch in diameter where a match can be two or three feet to : mate of three- foot av which only four smal were at the north al where the distance a culation, inserted to light it. The unit is equipped with a small regulator at the gas supply end by which pressure may be adjusted , rooms of both the nO! and has a safety valve or blow-off on the water chamber. It is a as safe well- known make used extensively in the Southwest and is considered without vents as any gas heater on tbe market. It is used to a large extent but can be equipped with a vent pipe for a wall flue if desired, There were belief of these heaters in the building and as there appears to have been some that the state school authorities required all classroom heaters toclassrooms. he ventilatedA some effort was made to vent only those heaters located in short piece of threaded pipe extended from the vent outlet, on the heater into giving the appearthe wall , neatly finished with a collar at the wall entrance ance of a properly vented unit , but as there are no flues in the posed vent simply entered a hole punched into the wall tile. walls this sup- Room Ventilation. Room ventilation was mainly through windows on all sides , although twO A great deal of had discontinued th, had been costing as I wet” or ” residue This is a point that school officials adopt When an oil we gas is separated fror in a flare. It usually line companies set UI extracted and the r, This procedure folio no authority to sell , sion for anybody to flare to be wasted, ~ or three small wall vents were located in the rear two-story section. An impor, however , was the totally inadequate provision to serve notice of d tant weakness in ventilation for venting the concealed dead space under the main section of building where con- matter of inclinatio way until the line is the destructive gas is presumed to have accumulated. This continuous 000 sq. It. entirely enclosed by schools and even pr cealed space had a superficial area of over 15 class- line, While the gas’ , but having communicating doors opening into a 12- in. concrete wall 305 THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL mSASTER. ewings , tbe audi- The rear bnilding was two before removal of the anditorium and sonth wing immediately after the explosion of wreckage had started, This picture is taken from the east, showing the damage on the side away from the main force le presumed to be :hool boards, The JUt is an individual nail water chamber ions of the radiator ~urner is partly encular hole about an culation. Gas which pressure may s considered as safe .tent without vents ired, There were 72 lYe been some belief ters to be ventilated ,d in classrooms, A ,t on the heater into , giving the appear- the explosion. rooms of both the north and south wings. The depth of this space varied from two or three feet to as much as six feet at some points. A conservative estimate of three- foot average depth means about 46 000 cu. ft. of dead space for which only four small 12 by 24- in. vents were provided. Two of these vents were at the north and south ends , 254 ft. apart , and two on the east wall where the distance and angle to the opposite ends could not give proper cir- :ht it. The unit is er chamber. It is a of A great deal of Fuel and Pipe Lines. publicity was given to the fact that the school officials had discontinued the use of commercial gas from the utility company that had been costing as much as $250 a month , and had tapped a free gas line of wet” or ” residue ” gas from a gasoline extraction plant without permission, This is a point that requires some explanation of a common practice that the school officials adopted with good intention. When an oil well is brought in , it flows under its own gas pressure. This gas is separated from the oil and piped off to some distant point and burned in a flare, It usually has a heavy gasoline content and in some locations gasoline companies set up extraction plants to which this gas is piped , the gasoline n the walls this sup- extracted and the residue gas piped back to the lease from which it came. He, This procedure follows a standard form of contract; the gasoline company has no authority to sell or dispose of the residue gas, neither can they give permistap the line , although the gas is headed back II sides , although two sion for anybody y section, An impor- flare inadequate provision to serve notice of disconnection should they ” find” the line tapped , but as a ion of building where matter of inclination and general custom they are willing This continuous con, entirely enclosed by S opening into class- to to to an open be wasted, There appears to be an obligation on the gasoline company to look the other way until the line is covered. It is therefore a common practice for churches to get this free gas if within reach of the pipe schools and even private homes line. While the gasoline has been extracted , it is still known as ” wet” gas; it :” I 306 THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. is more or less unstable as to volume , and pressure fluctuates considerably; it contains impurities that are removed in commercial gas. Apart from the inconvenience of keeping the heating units adjusted to the irregular supply and pressure , there is no particular hazard in its use as compared with ordinary commercial gas which has caused similar explosions, This gas supply reach’ed the building through a 2- in. pipe into a gas regu- lator of standard commercial type located outside . the south wall. It had a capacity of 50 lbs. on the high pressure side reduced to 5 oz. on the domestic supply side. The average pressure on the extraction plant residue line was sai to be 25 lbs. From the regulator the 2- in. line entered and extended in a full circulating loop under the entire concealed space of the main section of the building, suspended by metal straps from the concrete slab forming the first floor. Numerous 10-in. lines extended up to the room heaters from this line. Other 2- in. lines were carried to the rear of the two-story wings and extended through the attics , with drop lines to the heating units on the two floors below, As all gas pipe involved in the area of explosion was blown away, it was impossible to trace the leak or leaks that undoubtedly existed. It developed , however , that all repairs and extensions to gas or water lines , electric wiring, etc. , were made by one of the school janitors who were jacks of all trades and probably masters of none. They may have neglected to test the pipes for pressure leak before turning the gas in; failed to pull the threaded joints up tight; omitted to apply lead or other compound at the joint , or even cracked a pipe without knowing it. There is no evidence to indicate observance A. Recommended Good Practice Requirements for the Installaof the N. tion , Maintenance and Use of Piping and Fittings for City Gas, Development of Evidence. There were rumors that the explosion was due to nitroglycerine or dynamite. Dynamite was being used at the athletic field in the construction of a running track. One of the teachers testified that when he heard the explosion he thought it was another shot at the field. It was also found that 18 sticks of dynamite were stored in a lumber room under the auditorium stage and elimination it became obvious that the cause of the explosion was the ignition of a large pocket of gas in the large improperly vented space under the floor. This theory was corroborated by evidence of the heavy concrete floor slab above the space being blown up from below , and testimony that bodies , desks and lockers were found on the bare ground , indicating that the slab floor had been blown out before went through the explosion intact. By the process of Wreckage a communicated with’ on this theory it app the immediate path a Iation , and those’ kill oped the fact that a blown off and missinl worst case of burns” woodworking shop. ‘ testified that the doOi that the electric swit door on the same 1V1 portable connection t the bodies and other objects fell. It appeared most probable that the gas was ignited in one of the rooms where laboratory or shop work was conducted in the northwest corner of the building, The shop where most of tbe electric devices were used adjoined and This practically main section was pret from a source of gas THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. 307 considerably; it ,art from the in- gular supply and ~d with ordinary ~ into a gas regn- 1 wall. It had a , on the domestic ~due line was said :xtended in a full of the .in section forming the first leaters from this ,-story wings and units on the two was blown away, existed, It devel~ter lines , were jacks electric of all ;lected to test the pull the threaded the joint , or even ldicate observance Wreckage of the auditorium section looking toward the stage. s for the Installa- :;as, communicated with the under floor space at this point. Progressing further ,glycerine or dyna- , construction of a on this theory it appeared that there should be two classes the immediate path of the blast , of who should show evidence lation , and those’ killed by falling wreckage. This line of Leard the explosion und that 18 sticks litorium stage and nination it became f a large pocket of oped the fact that all bodies with evidence of of dead; those in burns and muti- investigation devel- burns or with arms and legs blown off and missing came from classes in the northwest rooms and that the burns was the teacher who was just starting a class period in the woodworking shop. One these shop pupils who escaped with slight injury of testified that the door into the adjoining concealed space was about half open worst case of his theory was cor- )ve the space being lockers were found n blown out before that the electric switches and wall sockets were within two feet of the open door on the same wall , and that the teacher was in the act plugging of portable connection to the sander when the flash and explosion followed. in a Explosive Gas Mixture Under Floor. n one of hwest corner the rooms of the ~ used adjoined and the main section was pretty well saturated with an explosive mixture of gas and air from a source gas leakage that will never be determined, Some of this gas of This practically established the fact that the large under floor space , 0.. ‘ of J~, 308 THE THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. mixture passed the open door into the shop and was ignited by an arc formed when the two prongs of the portable switch touched the socket before it was driven into place. The resulting flash followed the gas back under the build- ing, creating the superheated gas and pressure necessary to blow the building up. While the northwest corner of the building was blown out first , there was no appreciable interval in the collapse of other portions. The blast traveled the entire 254 ft. of building instantly and literally blew it to pieces. Witnesses testified that the roof was lifted at one corner at the same time that walls were blown out at another corner. The theory of released gas from the oil fields floating into the premises was discounted by the fact tbat the building is located on high ground , while floating gas would be confined to the lower levels. The U. S. Bureau of Mines engineers drilled all over the school campus and found no seepage of gas from any underground source. The question of using the residue or wet gas had no bearing, since any leaking gas under the same circumstances would produce the same result. The much publicized theory of accumulated gas in tbe hollow tile walls was started through ignorance of the conditions. There was no way exploin which free gas could enter the walls, Furthermore , it was not a wall sion. The question of faulty gas heater vents was discussed at the court hearing as well as in the press comments and while the whole question of the heater installation is subject to criticism , it had no bearing on the explosion. The only point of attack on the conclusion of accumulated gas in the under floor space was the testimony of one of the janitors that he had entered , and had that space at 10 o clock that morning, 5 hours before the explosion While early repor count shows that the d teachers , 12 women tea this writing there are these will recover. There is no recon time of the explosion killed or injured , and building were killed al Those who surviv are many reports of jl windows were not mOl who were in the shop injuries, They were ir addition. There were many of desks and other obj teachers crawled unde time for any teacher survivors who were in wreckage in condition’ juries. Many were pi: leased only when heav lighted matches to smoke and find his way about in the dark; indicating that there was no gas leaking at that time, This is conceded to be possible , as his point of entry was at the extreme south end of the building and his travel dis- It has been estat tance not over 50 ft” according to his own evidence. He was therefore about have 200 ft. away from the area where the explosion originated and gas might due to leaking gas frc been leaking at the north end of the building without reaching an moment that the teacl explosive mixture 200 ft. away. Furthermore , with the great amount of gas pipe and fittings up to two inches in size , it would have been possible for a leak to start after his departure , and form an explosive mixture in much less than five hours. No Fire Following Explosion. No fire followed the explosion , presumably due to the small amount of combustible material. The main structure was of concrete steel and tile as was from the arc of to the open door. Tb sonal blame; no one i average individuals measures , where they or hazard. The school build previously described. The windows were metal factory sash, Apart from the interior wood trim at the doors and the furniture , everything was practically safety except for the non-combustible up to the wooden roof deck, This roof deck was covered on pancy, but not neces the outside with tile and was cut off from the interior by metal lath and without ventilation , l plaster ceilings. under the building” cults , it became a se THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. 309 In arc formed The Loss of Life. before it was rst , there was While early reports put the total casualties at a larger figure , the final count shows that the deaths totaled 294 , including 120 boys , 156 girls , 4 men teachers , 12 women teachers , 1 woman visitor and a 4-year-old boy visitor. At this writing there are still 39 injured in hospitals; it is reported that all of blast traveled these will recover. der the buildv the building :es, Witnesses me that walls ) the premises ground , while reau of Mines ~e of gas from vet gas had no ~ould produce ; in the hollow re was no way t a wall explo- :he court hearn of the heater )losion, ted gas in the he had entered )sion , and had indicating that )ossible , as his I his travel disherefore about ~as might have g an explosive f gas pipe and a leak to start than five hours. nail amount of eel and tile as Apart from the There is no record of the total number of persons in the building at the , but it appears that the majority of the occupants were kilIed or injured , and that practically all of those in the main part of the time of the explosion building were killed at once or were fatally injured. Those who survived were in the wings, mostly on the upper floor. There are many reports of jumping from windows , which appears probable , as the windows were not more than 10 ft. above the grade, There were three boys who were in the shop where the e’–plosion originated who escaped with slight injuries, They were in the far end of the room and were blown into the rear addition, There were many reports of persons who survived by reason of protection of desks and other objects of furniture. It is probable that some children and teachers crawled under desks, but it appears doubtful that there was enough time for any teacher to direct an entire class to get under their desks. The survivors who were immediately able to get out were assisted from under the wreckage in conditions varying from slight shock to broken limbs or fatal injuries, Many were pinned under the wreckage for long periods and were released only when heavy material was lifted by the use of jacks. Conclusions. It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the explosion was due to leaking gas from a pipe or pipes under the building, and that ignition was from the arc of an electric switch in the manual training room at the moment that the teacher plugged a portable connection into a wall socket close to the open door. The court of inquiry exonerated all school officials of personal blame; no one individual was responsible. It was the collective faults of average individuals , ignorant or indifferent to the need of precautionary measures , where they cannot , in their lack of knowledge , visualize a danger or hazard, The school building was of good construction and planned for reasonable safety except for the gas installation, The excessive area of was practically concealed space under the building was poor practice for a building of this type and occu- was covered on pancy, but not necessarily a structural weakness in itself. When bottled up without ventilation , however , and filled with gas pipe lines and electrical circuits , it became a serious fault. The four small vents were just about what metal lath and THE, 310 THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. The value of a disti would be required for a six-room cottage; they were not only too small and too few , but were so far apart that they could not create circulation. The use of numerous separate heaters with gas fuel lines extending all leaking gas may be read over the building was a subject of severe criticism. Many of mese units had they bad been been disturbe d by teachers or students for various, reasons; putting a strain on the sections. moved by puliing the free end away from the wall fixed gas connection. When burners got out of adjustment and flared up, a teacher or one of the older boys became a self-appointed fixer. The first principle of safety requires that all hazardous devices in school buildings be made proof against tampering or interference. This method of heating was entirely wrong and in combination with the unventilated floor space was responsible for the explosion, The difference in cost of a properly cut off steam heating plant should never be considered where the lives of many school children and teachers are involved. , the evidence While the gas heater vents did not contribute to the disaster showed a disregard for the hazard of non-ventilated gas fires in crowded school , architects and heater salesmen roomS. In mis respect , the school officials tant in or adjacent to 0 owing to the constantl) Practically all fau were due to lack of sUI having city ordinances, on standards of construo of heating systems , elec affecting the welfare of buildings where large n were equally at fault. The few attempts to ventilate into me dead space of a , were obvious deceptions to cover up an blank wall where no flues existed practical men involved in this omission. It is hardly conceivable that the installation could have considered such makeshifts as filling the requirement for ventilation. Inexpert Wor kmanship on Gas Piping. The original electrical and plumbing installations were made by contrac, in, repairs and additions , but many alterations tors of presumed qualification , were made by one of cluding the installation of the residue gas supply line , experienced in a variety of the janitors. They were no doubt good workmen , but were not qualified electricians oil field jobs , who were well recommended or gas fitters. Evidence of poor workmanship on some remaining electrical installation of gas extensions suggests the probability of similar faults in the , where a small fault can prolines, In the handling of gas and electrical work duce dire results , school officials should call upon trained workmen at least to supervise such installations. The use of residue gas from the gasoline extraction plant wascircumstances not a matter of major importance , as ordinary commercial gas under like discharge would have produced the same result, While the pressure the regulator , the on scbool pipe line from the plant was not under regulated control reduced it to the customary safe level and there was no evidence to supportpoor the , is considered , however rumor mat a gas line had blown out. Its use policy for a school property where so many separate heating units had to be frequently adjusted because of variation in pressure and quality of the gas, Volunteer THE LONDON , TEXAS , SCHOOL DISASTER. 311 1ese units had The value of a distinctive malodorant in all gas supply systems by which leaking gas may be readily detected , is clearly evident. It is especially important in or adjacent to oil field territory where a leak might not be detected owing to the constantly prevailing odor of petroleum gas common to those hey had been sections. too small and tion. extending all strain on the d flared up, a The first prindings be made Practically all faults of construction and installation in this building were due to lack of supervising power such as would apply in communities having city ordinances, It serves to focus attention to the need of state laws on standards of construction , as well as approved standards for the installation of heating systems , electrical equipment , gas and oil systems and all features ation with the affecting the welfare of the public in schools , e difference in buildings where large numbers of people congregate. public buildings and all other nsidered where , the evidence :rowded school eater salesmen lead space of a 0 cover up an lvolved in this he requirement Ide by contracd additions , in- lade by one of in a variety of fled electricians .ining electrical tallation of gas I fault can promen at least to ‘as not a matter ~ circumstances n the discharge ;chool regulator e to support the :onsidered poor units had to be ty of the gas. Volunteer grave diggers preparing for the mass burials. April , 1937 l 30 No, 4 ~E. Ie dropped it , and its 3786. ‘larking on a paving UARTERL Y a small tank by the he explosion covered woman was cleaning OF THE line vapors exploded, f burns. (L- 3784. motion picture perng. The film that ran National Fire Protection 1e dropped a lighted ~d about the machine T”, Association lly burned. (L- 3783. )tit some coffee on the ortly boiled over and ad lit a match he was gas light left burning ” smelled the gas , and Ill, (L-3781.) , in a kerosene stove When the man tried to man were killed in the oman who tipped over ed to death by the fire, e in the radio circuit in my. Fire that trapped it. (L- 3777.) Subscriptions are accepted only from members of the Association and are charged as a part of the annual dues, Membership is open to anyone iuterested, en tent in which an old a spark or short circuit he man was helpless as ndants extinguished the Enter’d (‘8 “,”n,kla”, matter December “nd,,’ , 1928, act of March S, 1879, ‘ at Olfice at Boston Ma88 60 BATTERYMARCH STREET , BOSTON , MASS. .r, “

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We provide high quality term papers, research papers, essays, proposals, theses and many others. At AcademicWritersBay.com, you can be sure of excellent grades in your assignments and final exams.