(Mt) – MGMT 8420 CCKDC Sustainable Management Project

SD Audit Item -FOOD Groceries Week #1 Collected Baseline Data Description Meat Frozen Dairy Produce/Perishables Drinks Restaurant Dine-in / Delivery Week #1 Total What type or types of items (specific) Unit of Measurement kg kg L kg Data Points Food Packaging Material In-depth Detailed Research Process Countrys of Origin – Explain Grocery bills/receipts Receipt/s Evidence Photo SD Audit Item -FOOD Groceries Week #2 Collected Baseline Data Description Meat Frozen Dairy Produce/Perishables Drinks Restaurant Dine-in / Delivery Week #2 Total What type or types of items (specific) Unit of Measurement kg kg L kg Data Points Food Packaging Material In-depth Detailed Research Process Countrys of Origin – Explain Grocery bills/receipts Receipt/s Evidence Photo SD Audit Item -FOOD Groceries Week #3 Collected Baseline Data Description Meat Frozen Dairy Produce/Perishables Drinks Restaurant Dine-in / Delivery Week #3 Total What type or types of items (specific) Unit of Measurement kg kg L kg Data Points Food Packaging Material In-depth Detailed Research Process Countrys of Origin – Explain Grocery bills/receipts Receipt/s Evidence Photo SD Audit Item -FOOD Groceries Week #4 Collected Baseline Data Description Meat Frozen Dairy Produce/Perishables Drinks Restaurant Dine-in / Delivery Week #4 Total What type or types of items (specific) Unit of Measurement kg kg L kg Data Points Food Packaging Material In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Grocery bills/receipts Receipt/s Countrys of Origin Evidence Photo SD Audit Item -FOOD Groceries Week #5 Collected Baseline Data Description Meat Frozen Dairy Produce/Perishables Drinks Restaurant Dine-in / Delivery Week #5 Total What type or types of items (specific) Unit of Measurement kg kg L kg Data Points Food Packaging Material In-depth Detailed Research Process Countrys of Origin – Explain Grocery bills/receipts Receipt/s Evidence Photo MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Course Project – Your Environmental Impact Baseline, Benchmarking & Analysis (30%): (Topic 5%; Baseline 15%; Analysis 10%) Individual Course Project Instructions and Expectations: Your task for this course project is to connect with sustainability in your personal life (e.g., your food consumption or transportation habits, for example). You will, in some regards, choose your adventure by selecting an aspect in your life where you will track your environmental impact by building a data baseline and researching a benchmark to which you can compare yourself. Then you will analyze your data set and make recommendations on how you could reduce your environmental footprint. This personal journey you will be embarking on requires you to provide a depth of reflection and connection to the course learnings that are important to you. COURSE PROJECT (3 Parts): 30% Total There are three parts to this assignment: 1. Identify the personal area of your life that you would like to audit and collect data on to build a baseline (topic selection 5%): a. You will identify and discuss why you selected this topic. b. You will connect your topic to a Sustainable Development Goal aligned with your topic. c. You will describe the situation you are collecting the data (e.g., I live alone in an apartment; I am living with x of roommates, in an apartment with x number of units or a single-family home; I am in Kitchener; Brantford; Brampton, etc.) d. You will explain how you will collect your data (sources) e. You will provide this in a written post to the discussion board – 250 words max f. Your instructor must approve your selected topic before proceeding to steps 2 & 3. 2. Build your data set on your selected topic over the term in a chart format that will create a baseline of your environmental impact in your topic area. (Baseline data chart 15%) a. You will provide this information in chart form uploaded to the assignment dropbox b. You must have 5 (minimum) data points that are collected during the term from your data source (e.g., my topic is food – my data source is my weekly grocery store/restaurant receipts) c. The 5 data points must be collected over five different periods (e.g., over 5 weeks); having 5 data points in one week does not meet the criteria d. You must include screenshots of your data sources as evidence to support your baseline numbers – See PowerPoint file on how to read water; gas and electric metres 3. Research benchmarks that you can compare your data set to analyze your data versus the benchmark and make recommendations on how you could improve your environmental footprint (analysis section 10%) a. You will research benchmarks that you can compare your baseline data against b. You will analyze this data and provide a commentary on how your baseline compares to the benchmark c. You will make 2 – 3 recommendations on how you can reduce your environmental footprint d. You will upload this as word.docx to the assignment drop box – 500 – 1,000 words max (2– 4 pages, double spaced, Arial 12pt font) Instructor: Term: Fall 2022 1 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Two or more students living in the same residence: If two or more students live in the same residence/apartment, each student must select a different topic. This is an individual assignment. The topic selection will be determined on a first come basis as per the date/time of the topic discussion post. Accessing Data and Permissions: To access some data points, in cases where you may be renting, you may have to ask the permission of the landlord to conduct activities such as a waste audit. You may also need to ask your landlord if they would be willing to share their utility bills or for you to read the meter. In these cases, we do not expect you to share personal information about your landlord; however, you would need to show a screenshot of the data source without identifying information. You may want to consider sharing your findings with your landlord. Note on Academic Integrity: “Written or other work which a student submits in a course shall be the product of their own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Cheating means the misrepresentation by the student of his/her performance in a college setting” (Conestoga College, 2018). For more information on this policy, please visit the Academic Integrity Website at http://lib.conestogac.on.ca/academic-integrity. To avoid plagiarism, cite your sources using the APA style. Please visit the Learning Commons Library in person or online at APA @ Conestoga if you require further information or assistance using the APA style guide. Failure to cite your sources is considered a violation of academic integrity and will not be tolerated by the College. Late Penalty: Unless otherwise stated, or in the event of extenuating circumstances*, late work will not be accepted in accordance with Conestoga College Academic Policies. *Must be communicated prior to the deadline. DUE DATES: PART 1 – Topic Discussion (5%) • – due Week 2 – Sunday, September 18th (posted to the discussion board) PART 2 – Baseline Data Collection & Chart (15%) • – due Week 11 – Sunday, November 20th (chart – uploaded to assignment dropbox) PART 3 – Benchmark & Analysis Discussion (10%) – due Week 13 – Sunday, December 4th • (paper – uploaded to assignment dropbox) Instructor: Term: Fall 2022 2 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Part 1: Topic Selection (5%, out of 5 marks) – posted to the discussion post Goal: identify a topic in your life you would like to baseline, benchmark, and analysis to better understand your environmental footprint 1. Select an environmental topic that impacts your everyday life (see list of potential areas below) 2. You will post your topic selection to the discussion board and discuss the following key points: a. You will discuss why you selected this topic. b. You will connect your topic to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) aligned with your topic. c. You will describe the situation under which you are collecting the data (e.g., I live alone in an apartment; I am living with x of roommates, it is an apartment or singlefamily home; I am located in Kitchener; Brantford; Brampton, etc.) d. You will explain how you will collect your data source(s) (e.g., I will do a weekly waste audit; I will collect weekly grocery bills & food receipts; I will collect utility bills and/or read meters) 3. You will provide this in a written post to the discussion board – 300 words max 4. Your instructor must approve your selected topic before proceeding to steps 2 & 3. 5. If you are not specific enough (you do not follow the guidelines in point 2 you will have to re-post your Topic Selection (and you will not be re-graded). * 6. Be sure that your topic selection is something you are personally connected to and interested in understanding as part of your environmental footprint – this requires a depth of personal reflection and connection with the environment you live in. This component of the course project serves as the Topic Selection Part 1 of your Course Project. You should aim for approximately 300 words. Post your topic to the eConestoga Discussion board. Topic Selection Rubric…………………………………………………………………………..5 marks Component(s) Topic Selection • • • Specificity of the topic – followed key guidelines Connection to SD goal Defines data collection Instructor: Level 1 (1pt) Level 2 (2pt) Missing topic selection Minimal topic selection Not specific, not recent Not very specific and/or not recent No connection to SDG Shows little connection to SDG Little-to-no effort Minimal effort Level 3 (3pt) OK topic selection Could be more specific and current, somewhat followed guidelines Shows OK connection to SDG Good effort Level 4 (4pt) Level 5 (5pt) Great topic selection Exceptional topic selection Specific and current, mostly followed all 3 guidelines Very specific and current followed all guidelines Shows mostly clear connection to SD and career options Shows obvious connection to SDG Above-and-beyond effort Great effort Term: Fall 2022 3 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Audit/Topic Area Baseline (How I will get the Suggestions data/dates) Electric I will read and record the Why/Purpose of Audit To understand my Electricity contribution to electric meter on June 10th at Greenhouse Gas Emissions and explore new 9:00 am and then recheck ways to reduce electric consumption and and record on June 17th at improve energy efficiency. 8:59 am. I will also record my research Course Project_Baseline Data Collection_How to Read Your Meters.pptx by taking a photo(s) of the meter reading to include in the report Water I will read and record the To understand my water usage and to seek electric meter on June 10th at new avenues to reduce water wastage/usage. 9:00 am and then recheck and record on June 17th at 8:59 am. I will also record my research Course Project_Baseline Data Collection_How to Read Your Meters.pptx by taking a photo(s) of the meter reading to include in the report Waste & Recycling I will do a weekly waste audit As this contributes to the greenhouse effect, to track and identify waste this audit will seek to explore eco-friendly materials and separate them alternatives or trash reduction. into key areas of plastics, paper, organics, glass etc. Ensure an efficient waste management plan is in place to recycle, reuse, and reduce/minimize waste significantly Instructor: Term: Fall 2022 4 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management People Food Clothing Identify all food purchased Reduce excessive buying and reduce food between June 10th and June not needed nor used. Reduce purchasing of 17th. I will keep all my items in non-recyclable packaging or any food/grocery receipts and packaging. place them in the appendix in Packaging, waste, and carbon footprints are part 1 research data. significant considerations. Inventory all my clothing on Reduce all clothing purchases, especially June 10th. I will also record synthetic clothing. Packaging, waste, and any clothing purchased this carbon footprints are significant past month, given away, sold, considerations. etc. Transportation Two cars are being used Using cars causes significant GHG pollution daily. emissions. I will analyze my transportation usage and Car mileage look for greener alternatives. I will record the mileage on both cars on June 10th and then again on June 17th. Gas usage I will record all gas purchases for both cars during the week of June 10th till June 17th. Instructor: Term: Fall 2022 5 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Part 2: Data and Baseline (15%; out of 10 marks) Goal: Provide the data and evidence of your SD Audit research for both Baseline and Benchmarks *Your data sources need to be current, and you should show evidence of the data source, e.g., screenshots 1. In chart format: o You will record the data for your selected topic in Part 1, which will include key data points and a description of the data o In your chart, you should identify and list data that will form your baseline audit (data of data collection, location, measurement (kg, km, kwh, etc. and the actual value. o You will need to summarize your data to determine an average baseline which you will compare to a benchmark you research in Part 3 – you may extrapolate this data to an annual number o You should include screenshots of your data points as evidence of your data collection 2. You are required to have a minimum of 5 data points (by date entry) – e.g., 5 data points in one date entry does not meet this criterion 3. Your chart should contain sufficient detail to build a meaningful baseline 4. Submit this part as an electronic Excel or Word.docx file to the eConestoga drop box. This component of the course project serves Part 2 of the Course Project – Baseline component of your Course Project. This must be in chart form and show your data points collected during the term. Part #2 SD Audit Research Rubric…………………..…………………………………………..10 marks Component(s) Baseline Chart (8 marks) SD Audit Items (8 marks) • Baseline Chart with data entry points and evidence (minimum of 5 weeks of entries) Overall Impression (2 marks) Instructor: Level 1 (1pt) Baselines entries missing – not in chart format No supporting evidence In complete columns and data points No evidence of an effort to collect data (0 pt.) Little-to-no effort displayed No adherence to Instructions Level 2 (3pt) Partial Baselines data entries No supporting evidence Minimal efforts to format chart Minimal effort to collect data points Level 3 (5pt) Baseline data entries meet the minimum required standard Most supporting evidence provided Chart is formatted and readable Level 4 (7pt) Baseline data entries meet the requirements of data entry points (min. 5) standard All supporting evidence provided may not be summarized Chart is formatted and readable Level 5 (8pt) Baseline data entries are exceptional and contain over and above detail exceeded requirements of data entry points (min. 5) standard All supporting evidence provided and summarized Chart is formatted to a high standard (.5 pt.) Minimal effort/attempt to complete assignment/ not follow instructions Disorganized (1pt) In line with expected coverage of the topic, followed instructions. OK, organization & format Term: Fall 2022 (1.5 pt.) Effort beyond the minimum, sound research, followed instructions (2 pt.) Exceptional effort Followed Instruction Well formatted paper 6 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management SD Audit Research Baseline Format Examples Baseline (use the table format and modify it for your data points) SD Audit Item WASTE Date w/o Sept 7/2022 In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Collected Baseline Data Description Unit of Measurement Data Points Plastics Paper Metal Glass Other kg kg kg kg kg 1 2 .5 .25 3 SD Audit Item TRANSPORTATION Date Sept 7/2022 In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Collected Baseline Data Description Unit of Measurement Data Points Travel Bus Carpool Walk Air Car – individual km km km kg km 20 50 1 1,000 130 SD Audit Item ELECTRICITY Date w/o Sept 7/2022 In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Collected Baseline Data Description Unit of Measurement Data Points (actual reading) Weekly Meter Reading Usage kwh 100 w/o September 14th/2022 Weekly Meter Reading Usage kwh 175 Collected Baseline Data Description Unit of Measurement Data Points Restaurant Dine-in/Delivery? Meat Frozen Dairy Fresh kg kg L kg 5 10 4 12 In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Collected Baseline Data Description Unit of Measurement Data Points Grocery Bill – food source Local Canada North America International kg kg kg kg 5 10 4 12 Blue Bin Analysis Sept. 8/2022 TOTALS TOTALS SD Audit Item FOOD Date Sept 7/2022 TOTALS SD Audit Item FOOD Date Sept 7/2022 Instructor: In-depth Detailed Research Process – Explain Grocery Bill – food type Term: Fall 2022 7 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Part 3: Analysis (10%; out of 10 marks) Goal: Analysis and recommend SD improvements based on your baseline and benchmark research. Benchmarks should be published RECENTLY (i.e., 2021, 2020 & NO LATER than 2019). * 1. Your analysis should include: o A title page o Executive Summary of your work o What is your benchmark that you are comparing your data with – cite your source o Analysis discussion on your data – what are your key observations and findings on your baseline versus the benchmark o How, specifically, does this issue challenge the notion of Sustainable Development (SD), your SDG goal selected in part 1, and your environmental footprint for you personally? o Conclusion & Recommendations (minimum 2) 2. You will upload this as word.docx to the assignment drop box – 500 – 1,000 words max. (2 – 4 pages, double spaced, Arial 12pt font) This component of the course project serves as the Analysis & Conclusion component of your Course Project. You should draw upon key baseline data and benchmarks along with your personal connection and application of SD to your environmental footprint. Part #3 SD Audit Research Rubric…………………..…………………………………………………..10 marks Component(s) SD Audit Items (8 marks) • Baselines • Benchma rks (no older than 2019) • Summary Explanati ons • Proper APA sourcing Instructor: Level 1 (1pt) Level 2 (3pt) Level 3 (5pt) Level 4 (7pt) Level 5 (8pt) Baselines / Benchmarks connections discussion missing Partial Baselines / Benchmarks connections discussion missing Basic Baselines / Benchmarks connections discussion Solid Baselines / Benchmarks connections discussion Benchmark included but – not recent Benchmark included – a recent but unreliable source Benchmark included – a recent and reliable source Exceptional Baselines / Benchmarks connections discussion that shows a depth of reflection Minimal summary explanations or analysis (not in own words) Good summary explanations or analysis (not in own words) Minimal recommendations Good recommendation s Benchmark missing – not recent No summary explanations or analysis (not in own words) No recommendatio ns Missing/Imprope r APA source Limited summary explanations or analysis (not in own words) Limited or minimal recommendations Missing/Improper APA source Attempted citations and references Term: Fall 2022 Citations and References included – minor formatting issues Benchmark included – a recent and reliable source Good summary explanations or analysis in own words Good and actionable recommendations Citations and 8 MGMT8420: Sustainable Management Overall Impression (2 marks) Instructor: (0 pt.) Little-to-no effort displayed No adherence to Instructions (.5 pt.) Minimal effort/attempt to complete assignment/ not follow instructions Disorganized Term: Fall 2022 (1pt) OK, in line with expected coverage of the topic, followed instructions. OK, organization & format (1.5 pt.) Effort beyond the minimum, sound research, followed instructions (2 pt.) Exceptional effort Followed Instruction Well formatted paper 9

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