(Mt) – Robust Causal Loop Modeling Discussion Paper

Please find attached. Let me know if you need any clarification.Running head: OVERVIEW1OverviewStudent’s NameInstitutional AffiliationOVERVIEW2OverviewIn this Performance Task Assessment, you will analyze multiple case studiesin order to demonstrate your ability to apply systems components, modeling,leverage points, and interventions to improve system performance systems.Professional Skills: Written Communication and Critical Thinking areassessed in this Competency. You are strongly encouraged to use theAcademic Writing Expectations Checklist when completing this Assessment.Your response to this Assessment should:•••Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.Adhere to the required length.Conform to APA style guidelines. You may use Walden WritingCenter’s APA Course Paper Template.This Assessment requires submission of one file. Save your file as SP004_firstinitial_lastname (for example, SP004_ J_Smith).When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, usethe Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.InstructionsBefore submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is thesame rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it providesdetailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Manystudents find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and therubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.RubricAccess the following to complete this Assessment:••••••••Opportunity Consultants, Inc., Case StudyBaria Planning Solutions Case StudyFacilitating Systemic Thinking in Business ClassesBayonne Packaging, Inc., Case StudyProblem Identification – Simple Gap Analysis and the 5-WhysHow to Use the 5-Whys for Root Cause AnalysisTree Diagram ExampleCausal Loop DiagramsOVERVIEW••3The System ArchetypesAcademic Writing Expectations ChecklistThis assessment has four-parts. Click each of the items below to completethis assessment.Part I: Laws of the Fifth Discipline and the Value of Systems ThinkingRead the scenario as well as the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the Meadowstext, the Cathon article on the Learning Organization, the Zemke article onSystems Thinking, and the other material required, and then respond to theprompts that follow.ScenarioAs an expert in systems analysis, you’ve received an e-mail from the chieffinancial officer (CFO) of XYZ Manufacturers to discuss a potential consultingproject. The CFO is vaguely familiar with the concept of systems thinking butisn’t sure it could be successfully applied to her fast-paced, global business.•Based on your knowledge of systems thinking and the learningorganization, reply to the CFO’s enquiry by explaining at least threechallenges of managing complex organizations and how and why effectivesystems thinking can help improve their performance. Support yourresponse and reasoning with explicit and appropriate references to thereadings and with at least two other theoretical frameworks or academicreferences about systems thinking and practice. (2 -3 paragraphs)Dear Madam,•Managing complex organizations is flawed by various challenges, and this beinga new project at XYZ manufacturers, they have to be considered to avoidunnecessary setbacks. Some of these challenges comprise coordination,communication, and social aptitude (Bhatt, 2002). With coordination, it means thata specific hierarchy will have to be applied, which will separate various levels ofemployees, such as the managers and the other laborers. Therefore, if the rightarrangement and divisional structure are not put to place, the organization is likelyto experience problems. Regarding communication, it is vital in running anyOVERVIEW4organization, and with a complex one, it should be taken seriously. That is to avoidconflict in every functional area as everyone pursues excellence in the workplace(Bhatt, 2002). Cultural intelligence, on the one hand, might become a challenge ifthe people involved in the project are not aware of the cultural differences involved.In that case, the organization will have to create a complex social system that willhelp address such issues with employees and stakeholders as well.•Systems thinking can help improve the performance of XYZ manufacturers in thatit is based on ideas from various system theories that help in gaining an extensiveunderstanding of situations (Braun, 2002). Additionally, systems thinking gives theeffect of making changes to the status quo, which can be fruitful in this case. Inthat case, it is effective in that it allows the people involved in the organization totake advantage of the essential provisions they have at their disposal within theirstructure. In the process, everyone will learn to work effectively within thesesystems, getting rid of some challenges. A complex organization is expected tohave various departments, and that means disconnection will be experienced in afew instances. Therefore, systems thinking will be required to encourage adimensional viewpoint whereby the organization will be perceived as a whole andnot in individual divisions (Braun, 2002). That will help in developing a collectivemindset which will facilitate the growth of creativity in the company. With systemsthinking as well, interconnectivity becomes developed, which is essential inimproving productivity, which is vital for the organization.•Having learned about systems thinking and the learning organization, andreviewed at least one other theoretical framework or academic referenceabout general systems thinking and practice, give at least two examples,OVERVIEW5from your experiences in organizations, in which the application ofsystems thinking could have helped the organization become moreeffective. Be clear in explaining which specific principles and conceptsfrom systems thinking could have helped in the examples you choose, andexplain how and why. (4 – 5 paragraphs)•Working in the media is hectic as it involves a lot of communication, which requiresmassive coordination among various departments (Braun, 2002). Therefore, thethought of launching a new television station means more work and commitmentas well as perfection. When the media station I worked for announced that theywere looking forward to starting a new television station, I knew I had to get out ofmy comfort zone as the manager. In that case, having learned about systemsthinking and the learning organization, I believed the project was going to be asuccess. Therefore to help the organization become more effective, I took it uponmyself to identify that the new station was interconnected (senge, 1990) withwhatever the media house was running initially. That means that not much wasgoing to be new to the structure, and therefore it would be easy to run. Additionally,whatever problems that would erupt in the process would be solved using similarsolutions owing to that interconnectivity.•The principle of failure is discovery in disguise came in handy in that if the projectfailed at one point, it would be a platform to discover something new (Senge, 1990).Additionally, it would create an opportunity to incorporate new strategies that havenever been utilized by the media house. In that case, stagnation of ideas becomeseliminated as it blocks creativity due to getting used to a particular system.Therefore, for the new television station project to become a success, the mediahouse has to learn from its mistakes and view them as a lea…

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