(Mt) – SPM 405 Bowie State University Oranization and Adm of Sports Presentation

OR Team Development Leading Controlling Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Planning Organizing Leading B paring Depairing Leading Containing Planning Organing. Leading Controlling Planning Hing Control Panneng Oilamizin Leading Controlling Planning Organizing leading Commoning DATERE Leadme Contoung aning Loading Carolina Planet Organizing Leading LEARNING OUTCOMES Were Plan Leading Deltron Planning de Castro Panci Organics en contain After studying this chapter, you should be able to ch Lading Cound Planning dreaming the day Flat 1. explain how groups and teams different de mange leading Co Planning 2. explain the group performance model: Como parang Usado Nerede categorize groups by their structure; Decret 4. define the three major roles group members play: 5. explain how rules and norms differ: 6. describe cohesiveness and why it is important to teams: 7. describe the five major stages of group development and the leadership style appropriate for each stage: 8. explain how group managers and team leaders differ, and 9. lead a meeting. 3. KEY TERMS group team group performance model group structure dimensions group types command groups task groups group composition group process group process dimensions group roles norms group cohesiveness status stages of group development 277 hec US Assaugans End Opening Controllin Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Planning Elinders DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS For groups to maximize their performance, they must have effective organizational context, group structures, group process, and group development. In this chapter, the skills focus is on developing group process skills, analyzing the group’s development stage, and selecting the leadership style appropriate to the stage. You can also develop your skills at leading and participating in meetings, including dealing with problem team members in meetings. REVIEWING THEIR GAME PLAN Getting Kids to Team Play Playing together, learning together, working together. These activities start early in life and continue throughout our lives. They shape us in crucial and fundamental ways into functioning adults, functioning communities, and functioning societies. Set them up wrong and you can take the word functioning out of the preceding sentence. Our society endeavors in numer- ous ways to keep functioning as a descriptor for our nation. Groups like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, Jewish Community Centers (CCs), town sport leagues, and Little League Baseball-to name only a very few-all work to shape kids into team players and high-functioning adults. The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is simple-to be available for kids. As the organization notes in its mission statement, “In every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them.” Boys & Girls Clubs offer that and more. Club programs and services instill a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and influence. “Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow-all while having fun. They are truly The Positive Place for Kids.” Whether leading basketball at the YMCA, coaching softball at the JCC, or leading a Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts troop, the men and women in these organizations devote their lives to helping kids and being positive role models. Their dream? That eventually the kids they coach will carry forward the torch of good sport conduct; integrity and hard work; and a love of sport as coaches, parents, teammates, teachers, and community leaders. These organizations also need you, Join them-it’s time for you to pass the torch forward. You can either volunteer or look for careers helping these organizations. You will find that this is a boomerang endeavor. What you give away will come back in deep satisfaction, in surprising joy, in strength you never knew you had, and in wisdom you won’t gain anywhere else. For example, the 2012 NBA All-Star Game in Orlando helped the Boys & Girls Clubs in Central Florida. LeBron James, along with Sprite, installed a new outdoor play area, including an all-new baseball diamond, soccer pitch, and picnic area at the Walt Disney World Branch of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida. LeBron also donated new sport equipment to help with athletic programming, Tony Parker’s victory in the Taco Bell Skills Challenge resulted in a $25,000 scholarship for a young club member. The members were also able to watch practices of the East and West teams. For current information on local recreation centers, see www.bgca.org for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, www.ymca.net for the YMCA, and www.jcca.org for the Jewish Community Centers of North America. Did you ever experience a Importance of Teamwork to Performance great sense of teamwork when you belonged to Kids learn to work with each other when they join a youth organization like the Boys & a youth organiza Girls Clubs. They learn there are good times (winning games and laughing) and bad times tion? (losing games and getting hurt), but either way they learn to stand with each other. Perfor- 278 TEAM DEVELOPMENT mance is important and individuals working together make teams. You might be familiar with the saying “There is no l in team!” On the other hand, managers have to be sure there is team’ in teamwork! Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn retired with great individual accomplishments and accolades, but the Seattle Mariners won more American League games as a team than any team ever before. Although there are great leaders, they know that success belongs to the team You already understand the importance of teamwork to athletic performance. The same teamwork skills need to be applied to both athletics and sport management Organiza- tions are increasingly using groups a as their fundamental unit of organizational structure to respond more flexibly and quickly to rapidly changing environments. Thus, teamwork skills are becoming more important and recruiters are looking to hire job candidates with the ability to work well within teams. have developed some teamwork skills that will help you get a job, so including team experience on your resume is a sure winner. But in hiring sport managers, firms are seeking ing with team challenges. By reading this chapter, you can improve your teamwork skills, candidates who possess team leadership-related knowledge and skills , especially for deal but more important to sport management, you can understand the factors that contribute to team performance, learn how to improve team performance, and develop some team leadership skills. Team skills are part of people skills, so essentially all of the skills covered in other chapters will improve your teamwork. But before reading on, complete the Self Assessment to determine whether you are more of an individual player or a team player. SELF-ASSESSMENT 9.1 Are You a Team player? Answer the questions on a scale from 1 to 5. Place the number (1-5) on the line before the question. Describes me Does not describe me 5 4 3 2 1 1. I focus on what I accomplish during team projects. 2. I don’t like to compromise. 3. I depend on me to get things done. 4. I prefer to work alone, rather than in a group, when I have a choice. 5. I like to do things my way 6. I do things myself to make sure the job gets done right. 7. I know that teams do better when each member has a separate job. 8. I’m more productive when I work alone. 9. I try to get things done my way when I work with others. 10. It bothers me it I can’t get the group to do things my way. Add up your scores, place the number here, and put it on the continuum below. Individual Team player 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 There is no right or wrong here, but the manager’s job is to get the work done through others. If you have a very high score, indicating individuality, you may want to work at being more of a team player. You may also consider seeking a professional job (sales) within the field of sport management rather than a supervisory position. 279 APPLIED SPORT MANAGEMENT SKILLS Lessons of the Geese Ever wondered why geese fly south for the winter in “V” formations? What scientists have found has implications that teams would do well to learn and apply. • Each bird flapping its wings creates an uplift (thrust) for the bird following. Flying in a “V” adds 71% greater flying range compared to flying in disorganized clusters or flying alone Lesson: Travel on the thrust of each other (synergy). A common direction and a sense of community can get your team to the finish line faster and easier. • Falling out of formation causes individual birds to feel the sudden drag and the higher and more difficult) resistance of going it alone. This helps them continually adjust their flying to keep the formation. Lesson: There is strength, power, and safety in members who travel in the same direction. • When lead birds get tired, they rotate to the back of the formation, and another goose flies point Lesson: Take turns doing the hard jobs. • Geese at the back of the “V” honk to encourage front flyers to keep speed. Lesson: We all need to be reminded with active support and praise. • When a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out of the “V, two geese follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with the downed goose until the crisis is resolved, and then they launch out on their own in a “V” formation to catch up with their group Lesson: Stand by each other in times of teed. RNING OUTCOME 1 There Are Groups and There Are Teams Explain how groups Although we often use the words group and team interchangeably, they are different. All and teams differ teams are groups, but not all groups are teams. Groups have a clear leader and two or more members who perform independent jobs with individual accountability, evalua tion, and rewards. Teams are groups whose TIME-OUT Describe a current work group members share leadership and whose or team you play for in terms of members perform interdependent jobs, figure 9.1 and the six character- with individual and group accountability, istics given in table 9.1. Use this evaluation, and rewards. Table 9.1 and figure group or team for the remaining 9.1 further distinguish between groups and Time-Outs in this chapter. teams. As table 9.1 and figure 9.1 show, it’s not always easy to clearly distinguish when a group is also a team. The reason is that there are shades of team and group structures–they exist on a continuum-and most groups lie somewhere in between “extreme groups” (with little latitude in autonomy) and “extreme teams” (with great latitude in autonomy). The terms management directed, semiautonomous, and self-managed (or self-directed) are commonly used to differentiate groups along this continuum Management directed groups are clearly groups, self-directed groups are clearly teams, and semiautonomous groups are somewhere in between ARNING OUTCOME 2 Explain the group performance model. Group Performance Model Several factors contribute to team effectiveness. The performance of groups is based on four factors (as shown in figure 9.2). In the group performance model, performance is a function of organizational context, group structure, group process, and group development stage, 280 TEAM DEVELOPMENT TABLE 9.1 Differences Between Groups and Teams Characteristics Groups and Teams Size Two or more can be large. Typically 5 to 12 members, Leaders Ona clear leader makes Leadership is shared among members. decisions Jobs Jobs are distinct and clear- Jobs are fluid and overlap in responsibility and cut; individua members do tasks performed Members perform numerous ane independent part of interdependent tasks with complementary skills; the work the team completes an entire task or project, Accountability and Leader evaluates cach Members evaluate each other’s individual per- evaluation member’s performance. formance and the group’s porformance. Rewards Rewards are based on Rewards are based on both individual and individual performance group perfomance. Objectives Set by the organization Objectives are set by the organization and the and group leader team. + Level of autonomy Grup Management-directed Team Somiautonomous Seit-directed FIGURE 9.1 Level of autonomy APPLYING THE CONCEPT 9.T Is It a Group or Is It a Team? Identify cach statement as characteristic of (a) groups or (b) teams. 1. My boss conducts my performance appraisals, and I get good ratings. 2. We don’t have departmental goals; we just do the best we can to accomplish our mission. 3. My compensation is based primarily on my club’s performance. 4. I get the assembled tennis racket from Jean; then I paint it and send it to Tony for packaging, 5. There are about 30 people in my department. Each factor is like a link on a chain; if any factor is weak, the team can fall apart. Before we get into the details of the four factors, read about pro team success next. High Performance and Evaluating Team Worth Bill Belichick’s phenomenal success in leading the New England Patriots to three Super Bowl victories in five appearances is the stuff legends are made of Belichick no doubt has other pro teams scratching their heads. Patriot star players are willing to be paid less than market value to be part of a team with a strong chance of winning the Super Bowl again. How does he do it? Everyone on the team knows that star players, such as Tom Brady and Wes Welker, set examples of team behavior that any new players joining the team are expected to follow. What is the key to making teams in pro sport and in business work? Valuing everyone’s contributions. This means that team members must understand and accept the idea that 281

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