week 6 306 assignment 2

DDHA 8450 WU Wk 2 Improvement Initiatives Designs in Health Services Organizations Essay
As a current or future health care administrator, what types of information are necessary to determine the need for an imp …

DDHA 8450 WU Wk 2 Improvement Initiatives Designs in Health Services Organizations Essay
As a current or future health care administrator, what types of information are necessary to determine the need for an improvement initiative within an HSO? How might a health care administrator use this information to propose an improvement initiative for an HSO?Planning, designing, and implementing improvement initiatives in HSOs requires that the health care administrator understands how to propose changes that will contribute to effective health care delivery. However, the health care administrator must also balance efforts to ensure that effective business practices and operations coincide with enhanced improvement initiatives for the HSO. As you examine approaches that health care administrators use to enact improvement initiatives in HSOs, you will begin to develop a unique skill set necessary for effective health care administration practice.For this Assignment, review Case 3, “Where and How to Start?” in Chapter 7 of the text, Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems. Consider how you as a current or future health care administrator might implement an improvement initiative within an HSO. Reflect on the types of considerations, resources, and measures you might need to effectively address the status of a current improvement initiative within an HSO. Then, review the Week 2 Case Questions document in this week’s Learning Resources to complete the Assignment.The Assignment (3–5 pages):Complete the case questions presented.Be sure to support your answers with the literature.

N492 Aspen University Final Module Community Assessment Project
N492 Community Assessment Project Final Module 500points Assignment: The final community assessment paper will be submi …

N492 Aspen University Final Module Community Assessment Project
N492 Community Assessment Project Final Module 500points Assignment: The final community assessment paper will be submitted in Module 8. This week please add the hours you have spent completing the community assessment to your Project Hours Log and submit. You should have approximately 2-4 hours logged for the geriatric assessment from Mod 2 and now an additional 10-14 hours for this week’s portion of the community assessment. Only the Project Hours Log is submitted this week. Overview In this module, you will finalize the completion of the full assessment of your own community. Defining the Community Your community should be within a specifically designated geographic location. One must clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment: • Describe the population that is being assessed? • What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community? • Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they? • Does this community exist within a certain city or county? • Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others? • Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured? • Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural? • Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve? • How will information for the community assessment be collected? RESOURCES Identify a Commity Health Assessment Model. (This document from the CDC lists commonly used community assessment models: https://www.cdc.gov/stltpublichealth/cha/assessment.html ) Assessment After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted. The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community. Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists) Demographics of the Community When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made. If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population. The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state: American Fact Finder—Find population, housing, and economic and geographic data for your city based on U.S. Census data State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about people, business, and geography, based on U.S. Census data Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites: www.epodunk.com and www.city-data.com Information from Government Agencies Healthy People 2020—this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020 National Center for Health Statistics—this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans National Vital Statistics System Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information Federal agencies with statistical programs Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website. State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community. Other Data Sources America’s Health Rankings—this website provides information about various health indicators for each state Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment. After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process. Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist) Windshield Surveys With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community. Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following: Age of the homes in the community Location of parks and other recreational areas Amount of space between homes and businesses Neighborhood hangouts Transportation in the community Quality and safety of streets and sidewalks Stores and other businesses People out in the community Cleanliness of the community Billboards or other media displays Places of worship Healthcare facilities Participant Observation Spend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following: Developmental level of the population Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions Respect for peers and others Safety in the environment Economic status Informant Interviews Informants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis. Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following: Strengths/assets of the community Areas of improvement for the community Concerns of community members Access to health care Emergency plans for natural or man-made disasters Focus Groups Focus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses. Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following: Satisfaction with services provided Community resources used Transportation issues within the community Safety within the community General concerns of members of the population Surveys Surveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population. A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (“why”/“how”) questions. Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following: Demographic information Status of employment Safety within community Safety in environment Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.) Stressors/stress management patterns Risky behaviors Support systems Volunteer/community activities Rest patterns Nutrition Dental hygiene Health promotion activities Identify a Community Health Assessment Model. (This document from the CDC lists commonly used community assessment models: https://www.cdc.gov/stltpublichealth/cha/assessment.html )

Florida National University 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake Disaster Discussion
Topic: Discussion of Distributive Justice following a natural disasterPick a contemporary natural disaster with which ever …

Florida National University 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake Disaster Discussion
Topic: Discussion of Distributive Justice following a natural disasterPick a contemporary natural disaster with which everyone is familiar. The natural disaster selected for discussion should be one that affected a cross-section of society.Discuss how the concept of distributive justice was applied in that situation. Look and review a variety of contrasting perspectives based upon differences in socioeconomic status, gender, race & ethnicity, disability, age, proximity of victims to important places in the vicinity, and other demographic factors.

develop a care plan for a patient that has a Clostridium difficile Colitis, health and medicine homework help
This week you will need to look at the provided case study and develop a care plan for a patient that has a Clostridium …

develop a care plan for a patient that has a Clostridium difficile Colitis, health and medicine homework help
This week you will need to look at the provided case study and develop a care plan for a patient that has a Clostridium difficile Colitis. Please use the provided format for building your care plan. You will need to use your nursing reference materials as you build this care plan. (Suggestion on using skyscape)

Nutrition Food Diary and Nutritional Self Assessment Paper
(1) Maintain a food diary for three days using MyFitnessPal, or a similar diet app.  (2) Write a nutritional self-ass …

Nutrition Food Diary and Nutritional Self Assessment Paper
(1) Maintain a food diary for three days using MyFitnessPal, or a similar diet app.  (2) Write a nutritional self-assessment paper. In your paper, you will analyze your eating habits, food patterns, and nutrition intake.      Maintaining your diary: You will use the MyFitnessPal food diary app to record everything that goes into your digestive system over the course of three days. Record everything you eat and drink, and record the name and dosage of any medications that you take, including vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements. It is preferable to record your food intake for at least one non-school day or one non-weekday (for example, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). This way, you will see how your eating habits change with your schedule. It is important that you take time each day to record your food, drink, and drug intake rather than relying on your memory. An honest, detailed diary will help you gain a better understanding of yourself personally and professionally. Take screenshots of your MyFitnessPal food diary to include in your analysis paper. At the end of the three days, print the final report in MyFitnessPal to include with your written paper. In your written paper, include the following.  1. BMI and HAMWI  Calculate your weight based on the BMI formula and the Hamwi method. All actual calculations must be present in your paper.  • Analyze your place on the BMI and Hamwi scales in terms of health. Based on these numbers, how healthy are you?  • Use at least one source other than your class text to provide documentation and references to support your position.  2. Food Diary  Document your food intake for three days. Your paper must include a food diary documenting all food, drink and medications consumed for the three days. Compare your intake of food and nutrients to the recommended RDA. Refer to the nutrient report spreadsheet percentages that you recorded.  1. Provide nutritional information for all foods contained in our food diary including the serving size, amount consumed, total calories, total fat calories, total carbohydrates calories, total protein calories, grams of sodium, vitamins, and minerals in the nutrient spreadsheet. Provide detailed situational information including where you were when you were eating the food, what you were doing, and why you chose to eat what you ate (convenience, habit, intentional, etc.).  2. Where do most of your calories come from fats, proteins, or carbohydrates? Provide examples. 3. Do you see any excesses or deficiencies among any of the nutrients?Explain.  4. What patterns do you see?  5. Would you classify your diet as well-balanced based on this information? Why or why not?  3. Nutritional Analysis of Food Diary  Provide an analysis of each nutrient listed on the nutrient spreadsheet: CHO, PRO, Fat, Na, phos, K, calcium, vit A, vit C, and iron.). Each nutrient should be a separate paragraph. Include for each nutrient: 1. What is your RDA?  2. How close to the RDA? 3. If you were deficient in a nutrient, provide food choices that would improve your diet for this nutrient.  4. If you had an over consumption of a nutrient, explain what foods caused the over consumption and provide food choices that would improve your diet for this nutrient.  5. Use at least one source other than your class text to provide documentation and references to support your position.  4. Drug/Medication Interactions  What medications are you currently taking and what are their nutritional side effects and considerations? Do they need to be taken with food/away from food, at night only, day? If you do not take any medications, determine what medications or supplements you may need to take based on your current diet. Include at least 1 reference to support position. 5. Physical and Emotional Analysis  Reflect on the emotions you recorded for each of the three days.  1. Analyze how your feelings affected your nutrition and how your nutrition affected your mood.  2. Analyze your physical activity. How did your emotions/food choices affect your physical activity?  3. For your emotional and physical analysis discuss the following:  • What patterns do you see between your diet and your emotions or physical activity? Explain.  • Did you eat more after not eating all day, or did you choose less healthy foods?  • Did your activity level have any effect on your mood or nutrition choices?Explain.  • Are these three days indicative of your normal emotions, or are these three days unique? Explain.  6. Medical Conditions  Identify and explain physical and/or medical conditions (chronic pain, disease, allergies, mental health, and disability) that affect your diet, nutrient, or drug intake. If you do not have any current medical conditions, determine what medical conditions you could develop based on your current diet.  1. How much influence does your current or future physical/medical condition have on your nutritional choices? 2. How much influence does your physical/medical condition have on your activity level? 3. What conclusions can you draw between the diet and the medical condition?  7. Culture/Religion Discuss how your culture or religious affiliation influence your diet. How can/does your culture or religious affiliation affect your food choices?  1. How does cultural/religious nutritional considerations positively affect your health? Provide specific examples and situations.  2. How does your cultural/religious nutritional considerations negatively affect your health? Provide specific examples and situations.  3. What changes would you implement to improve your nutrition?  8. Diet Plan  Develop a diet plan that best suits your actual dietary needs based on your height, weight,BMI, culture, religion, activity level, overall health, and drug use. • Your diet plan should be detailed and identify specific changes that will need to be made to comply with the diet plan.  • Include how this diet plan will be beneficial to your health.  • Use at least one source other than your class text to provide documentation and references to support your position.  9. SMART Goals  Develop three properly formatted SMART goals. Your goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed (By December 31, I will walk around the block for 30 minutes 3x per week) 10. Implementation Strategies and Obstacles • For each of your SMART goals develop at least one implementation strategy that will help you to achieve your goal. Your implementation strategy should be specific to your goal.  • For each of your SMART goals identify at least one obstacle that will prevent you from achieving your goal. Your obstacle should be specific to your goal. Include a plan to overcome the obstacle?

polypharmacy in the frail elderly patient
The purpose of this assignment is to increase the nurse practitioner’s awareness and sensitivity to pharmacokinetic chan …

polypharmacy in the frail elderly patient
The purpose of this assignment is to increase the nurse practitioner’s awareness and sensitivity to pharmacokinetic changes and prescribing implications occurring in frail elderly related to these changes and potential adverse effects of polypharmacy in the frail elderly patient.InstructionsIdentify a patient from your clinical site that is age 65 or older and takes at least 12 prescription medications, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and herbal supplements.Describe your patient including age, gender, ethnicity, medical diagnoses, medication allergies, and list of prescriptions/OTC medications/herbal supplements including dosage, route, and frequency.Describe 3 age related changes that can affect pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Using Beer’s criteria, review the patient’s medication list to identify medications that are potentially inappropriate. What medications should be continued? What medications should you consider stopping? What are potential alternative medications that could be used in place of the medications that you would consider stopping?What are two challenges you as an NP face with regard to regulation of complementary and alternative medications in care of the frail elderly?As an NP, what is one specific strategy you will use to assess medication reconciliation including CAM and over the counter medications in the frail elderly population?PLEASE YOU CAN MAKE UP A PATIENT AND INCLUDE 2 REFERENCES IN APA FORMAT

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